Ilha Formosa is an appellation for Taiwan in some chronicles, and has acquired multiple usages over the years. However, appropriating Ilha Formosa for a concrete space is rather uncommon. The most striking and symbolic construction using the name is perhaps the urban landscape in Kaohsiung Rapid Transit's Formosa Boulevard Station. The preemptive action taken by Kaohsiung to create this urban landscape should not be regarded as an infrastructure achievement, but instead as a local representation of "Ilha Formosa" imagery. The dynamic behind such preemptive action is a literary movement that is specific to Kaohsiung. Examining this movement from the perspective of spatial poeticism of poetry (Saunders 2010), the urban landscape depicts an epic tale of how Kaohsiung has been transformed from the marginalized other space, the resistant space, to today's heterotopia space which emphasizes tolerance, from the Qing dynasty to the present day. This grand epic describes an adventure of literary geography, revealing the inscape of poets and enabling everyone to "see" the representation of Ilha Formosa in Kaohsiung, and thus appreciate the symbolic spirit of the station.
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