


Benefit Evaluation of Diversified Open Space with Fragmentation and Dispersion in Urban Area: A Study in the Urban Planning District of Taichung




蔡孟珂(Meng-Ke Tsai);吳珮瑛(Pei-Ing Wu);劉哲良(Je-Liang Liou)


開放空間 ; 空間落遲模型 ; 空間離散指標 ; 都市計畫法 ; 地理資訊系統 ; Open Space ; Spatial Lag Model ; Spatial Dispersion Index ; Urban Planning Law ; Geographic Information System




95期(2020 / 04 / 01)


1 - 36




近年臺灣縣市之合併升格,六都中的臺中市在2017年7月是國內人口淨遷入最多縣市之一;人口數首度超越高雄市躍升全臺第二大城。而臺中市都市計畫區佔該市面積約四分之一,然居住在計畫區人口卻佔全市人口四分之三以上。有鑒於此,本文主要目的是評估臺中市依『都市計畫法』所涵蓋之都會公園、鄰里公園、緩衝綠帶、廣場與農地等,五種不同類型開放空間帶給住民的效益或損失。以空間落遲模型(spatial lag model)評估任空間的消逝對鄰近居民效益的影響。住宅資料來自內政部不動產交易實價查詢服務網,2012年8月1日至2017年7月31日之住宅交易資料,共計66,185筆。實證結果顯示,離房屋最近之都會公園、廣場距離、農地距離在各分區中對居民皆為損失,而梧棲、大雅、沙鹿、龍井這一區的最近廣場距離為損失最大。進而,觀察到太平區之開放空間,近年源自人口增加快速,都市擴張使得開放空間挪作他用、造成開放空間由最集中變成最分散平均總損失達2,063.2萬元,為損失最高的一區。另開放空間目前為最集中的烏日區與大肚區,隨著開放空間越趨分散,對居民產生約854.3萬元之效益。此結果表示根據『大臺中發展願景策略』,規劃各核心區及策略發展區除需考量生產效益、生活機能、生活便利外,環繞在住宅周邊的開放空間之配置,則是呈現新興都會城市開放空間之規劃對住民生態效益不可或缺的一環。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the benefit or loss of five kinds of open space, urban park, neighborhood-park, green-belt, square, and farmland, under classification of urban planning law of Taichung City. A city has the highest net population growth and has three-fourth of the population residents in about one-fourth of the urban planning district. The spatial lag model extended from the idea of hedonic price method is used to evaluate the benefit or loss for the inhabitants for the existence or loss of any type of open space. There are 66,185 transaction data obtained from "the actual real transaction of housing" prepared by the Ministry of Interior of Taiwan for the period of August 1 in 2012 to July 31 in 2017. The results indicate that the nearest distances between housing and open space of urban park, square, and farmland in all districts are losses. Among these, the largest loss is the district of Wuqi, Daya, Shalu, and Longjing close to square type of open space. Moreover, due to the increasing population and urban spawl the open space in the district of Taiping has the highest loss with the total loss of 20.6 million NT dollars. On the other hand, the open spaces in the district of Wuri and Dadu from the most concentrated to the most disperse due to the development of Wuri sub-city. Such development results in positive effect for the district. It makes the open space originally reside in a corner equally dispersing throughout the whole district. This then creates a total average benefit of 8.54 million NT dollars. Thus, an adequate planning for the development plan for City of Taichung have to account for the production benefit, life function, convinence of living, and ecology benefit. The evaluation of open space surrounding housings is the essential work to present the ecology benefit.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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