


Using PPGIS to Enhance the Risk Communication in Environmental Management: A Case Study of Community-based Monitoring in the Wu-Wei-Kang Waterfowl Refuge, Yilan, Taiwan




鍾明光(Ming-Kuang Chung);盧道杰(Dau-Jye Lu);蔡博文(Bor-Wen Tsai);周桂田(Kuei-Tien Chou);婁安琪(An-Chi Lou);徐健銘(Chien-Ming Hsu)


風險溝通 ; 公眾參與地理資訊系統 ; 社區監測 ; 保護區經營管理 ; 公民科學 ; risk communication ; public participatory geographic information systems (PPGIS) ; community-based monitoring ; protected area management ; citizen science




97期(2020 / 12 / 01)


77 - 113




自然保護區的設置,被視為現代國家在環境資源保育的績效指標。然而,現今自然保護區的經營多以菁英官僚與科學知識做為管理基礎,且決策具有排除在地權益關係人的傾向,甚至與在地社群產生衝突。保護區的經營管理體系與其所引發的衝突,體現了風險社會(risk society)的特徵。近年,保護區的經營管理出現典範轉移,主張多元主義、提倡權益關係人參與。鑒於風險治理也有類同的主張,本研究嘗試以風險溝通(risk communication)的角度,討論臺灣自然保護區經營管理中的環境資訊再現與傳播,及其對後續經營管理模式的影響,以在提倡公眾參與的氛圍中,提供另一個面向的思考。本文以宜蘭無尾港社區於2009至2012年間執行的兩個社區監測(community-based monitoring)及其公眾參與地理資訊系統(public participation geographic information systems, PPGIS)的應用案例為主,並利用參與觀察、深度訪談與主軸編碼等質性研究方法,進行案例內容的蒐集與探討。研究發現,PPGIS的應用取徑,能有效涵納社區監測成果、經營管理目標、潛在權益關係與在地知識等多重資訊,讓不同部門間的權益關係人,在共同的基礎上評估保護區的風險內涵與規模,並以監測資料為基礎提出具體的防控措施及分工。同時,PPGIS所涵構的風險溝通機制,亦持續轉譯社區監測成果,協助權益關係人評量風險管理的能效,有助建構公私部門間的信任及夥伴關係。


Modern state governments often establish protected areas as a risk management strategy for land use, and generally dominate and control their operation and management goals by. Government officials design the regulatory frameworks, based on their own understanding and on modern science and technology, to reflect the conservation needs of the state. However, this management style tends to neglect other stakeholders in decision making, endangering the local community's culture and way of life in the delineation of protected areas. This study examines two community monitoring activities in the Wu-Wei-Kang community from the viewpoint of risk communication, and discusses the use of Public Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) by the local community. A PPGIS improves strategies for protected area management by assisting in the planning, implementation and interpretation of community-based monitoring, promoting communication and providing a consultation mechanism on the rights and interests of the protected area. This study concludes that PPGIS can be adopted as an integrated platform that applies geospatial information to assist in the reproduction of operational management risks. A PPGIS has multiple attributes, including management objectives, local knowledge and data monitoring, thus enabling the integration of rights and interests from the public sector, academia and civil society. Participants can jointly define the implications of possible risks and assist stakeholders in information sharing and communicating management issues, thus promoting a public-private partnership, and establishing essential management mechanisms and changes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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