In 2009, Typhoon Morakot brought unprecedented severe disasters to Taiwan. After the disaster, new permanent housing settlements were built in the disaster-stricken counties in central and southern Taiwan. However, the current research on post-disaster reconstruction is mostly limited to the cases of single permanent housing settlements. The analysis lacks an overall perspective to analyze the built environment characteristics of the permanent housing communities in Taiwan. To address this issue, this study uses second-hand literature surveys and semi-structured interviews to conduct thorough discussions on the number, type, and distance between relocated settlements and the affected communities, as well as the number, design, and planning of permanent housing communities. This study found that Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County, Chiayi County, and Taitung County are the main areas for post-disaster reconstruction. The type of migration of disaster-stricken communities is not merely the one-to-one pattern but includes divided and integrated patterns. Due to construction time and budget constraints, some counties and cities could not achieve the central government's relocation principle-relocated householders closer to the original settlement. The layout of the permanent housing settlements is related to the number of households in the settlement. The configuration of the settlements is also interrelated with the shape and size of the construction site, as well as the interactions among different stakeholders. Moreover, government regulations also limited the size of permanent housing planning. Therefore, this study suggests that the central government should not overestimate local governments' capability and rush for achievements. residents' participation, should be established to create a more resilient post-disaster community.
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