


The Study of the Interrelationship of Number of Overseas Travelers for the Seniors among Regions in Taiwan




曾能芳(Neng-Fang Tseng);陳定國(Ting-Kuo Chen)


銀髮族旅遊市場 ; 海外旅遊 ; 介入模式 ; 多變量自迴歸模式 ; 衛擊反應分析 ; Senior Travel Market ; Overseas Tour ; Intervention model ; VAR ; Impulse Response Analysis




45卷3期(2007 / 07 / 01)


299 - 319




台灣已於1994年正式進入高齡化社會,由於經濟快速成長,教育普及且醫藥衛生的改進,使得高齡者壽命延長,且現今社會出生率逐漸降低,高齡者難以再從家庭系統獲得寄托,便將生活重心轉向家庭之外,也因此老人休閒旅遊市場逐年成長,「銀髮族旅遊市場」的開發就更具有前瞻性。但2003年SARS疫情由中國大陸開始朝向世界各地散佈,對各國的旅遊業造成重大衛擊,台灣也無法倖免於難,當時高齡旅遊市場的景氣大量衰退。 本研究將台灣高齡海外旅遊的市場分成四大區域亞洲、美洲、歐洲和大洋洲,並探討2003年的SARS事件對四大區域造成的衛擊;且調整當時SARS對旅遊市場的干擾程度,依據調整後的樣本,建構高齡海外旅遊市場的相關結構。分析結果顯示,若以絕對人數作為標準,SARS對四大區域的衛擊由強至弱排序為(1)亞洲、(2)美洲、(3)歐洲和(4)大洋洲。在調整過SARS的衛擊之後配置多變量自迴歸模式(VAR),並進行衛擊反應分析(Impulse Response Analysis),顯現出某種動態的因果結構,其中亞洲與美洲的旅遊市場其影響範圍最為廣泛,對其它區域產生了正向反應。由於近四年來台灣海外的銀髮族旅遊人次呈現平穩趨勢,且帶有強烈的季節性變動,由預測的結果可看出,未來半年仍將延續這股趨勢。


Taiwan had already become old-aged society since 1994. Due to fast growing economy and modern sanitary environment, the senior's life has been extended. In addition, since birthrate maintains in low level, family-tie system become more rare, compared with the past. The situation forced aged people to search mental satisfaction from external resources. Therefore, the travel market for seniors is growing year by year, and attending recreational activities is the inevitable trend. SARS was spread from China's Mainland to all parts of the world in 2003. It brings major impact to the travel market of all countries. Taiwan is also unable to escape by luck. The prosperity of the senior travel market declined in a large amount at that time. This research divides the overseas travel market for the seniors in Taiwan into four major areas: Asia, America, Europe and Oceania. We will argue the impact that SARS cause to the four areas, and construct the statistic model of number of overseas travelers for the seniors. The analysis result shows that the order of SARS impact to four major areas is (1) Asia, (2) America , (3) Europe and (4) Oceania, if regard number of people as the standard. Impulse response analysis presents a certain dynamic causality structure, and show that the influence scope of the Asia and America is the most extensive among the four areas. In the past four years, the number of overseas travelers for the seniors in Taiwan presented a stationary tendency with strong seasonal phenomenon. We find out that the tendency of the number of overseas travelers for the seniors will still be maintained in the following half years.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
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