


Spatial Effect of Turnout Rate in Taichung Mayor Election-Application of Spatial Regression


汪志忠(Chi-Chung Wang);鄭雅云(Ya-Yun Cheng)


投票率 ; 空間迴歸 ; 空間自相關 ; 空間延遲模式 ; 空間誤差模式 ; Turnout rate ; Spatial regression ; Spatial autocorrelation ; Spatial lag model ; Spatial error model




57卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


158 - 177






Turnout rate is important to quality of democracy and legitimacy of government. However, spatial factor is not considered in the past researches. This study aims to examine the spatial effect of turnout rate utilizing spatial regression, using the 625 villages' turnout rate data of 2014 mayor election in Taichung. Results indicate that spatial autocorrelation is significant and spatial clusters are significantly arisen. More important, spatial lag model shows that spatial factor, population and rate of high education are three significant explanatory variables. The findings strongly show the impact of spatial neighborhood effect. However, according to the spatial error model, the impact of spatial heterogeneity can't be totally ignored.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
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