


The Influence of Self-Congruity toward Brand Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth for Internet Celebrities- the Mediation Effect of the Model Attachment


陳乃華(Nai-Hua Chen);許雅婷(Ya-Ting Hsu)


網路紅人 ; 自我一致性 ; 偶像依附 ; 品牌忠誠 ; 口碑傳播 ; Internet Celebrity ; Self-Congruity ; Idol Attachment ; Brand Loyalty ; Word-of-Mouth




60卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


36 - 59




近來網際網路的發達,許多社交媒體(如:Facebook、Youtube、Instagram)如雨後春筍不斷發展,這也讓一般素人民眾可以透過不同方式在網路爆紅而有一定的影響力,這些人被稱為「網紅」(Internet Celebrity,網路紅人的簡稱);網紅吸引各種企業互相合作並行銷產品或推廣品牌知名度。本研究探討網紅所推薦的產品是否能吸引消費者購買,並提升日後對網紅產品的忠誠度與口碑傳播,採網路問卷及便利抽樣法,針對觀看過美妝網紅影片的消費者進行調查,研究發現「理想自我一致性」對「品牌忠誠」、「口碑傳播」及「偶像依附」均有正向影響關係,而「真實自我一致性」對於「偶像依附」及「口碑傳播」有正向影響關係。「偶像依附」對消費者的「真實自我一致性」與「品牌忠誠」及「口碑傳播」具有完全中介效果,「偶像依附」對消費者的「理想自我一致性」與「品牌忠誠」及「口碑傳播」具有部分中介效果。建議企業在進行美妝產品行銷推廣,應搭配與消費者個性及期望形象相似程度高的網紅,大幅提升消費者對所推薦品牌之忠誠度,更會對周圍親朋好友進行口碑行銷,影響其購買決策。


The development of the Internet, many social media (such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram) have sprung up. This also allows everyone to become popular on the Internet with different performance and influencing to the public. These people are also called "Internet celebrity". These internet celebrities attract various companies to invest resources and cooperate with them in marketing or promoting to increasing brand awareness. This research focuses on evaluating whether the consumers will purchase products recommended by internet celebrities. Reasons of increasing brand loyalty and word-of-mouth communication toward celebrity recommended products is also investigated. This study uses survey analysis and convenient sampling to target consumers who have watched the beauty makeup online videos. Results found that the idea self-congruity has a positive impact on brand loyalty, word of mouth and idol attachment. The actual self-congruity has a positive impact on idol attachment. The idol attachment has a complete mediation effect between actual self-congruity and both brand loyalty and word of mouth. The idol attachment has a partial mediation effect between idea self-congruity and both brand loyalty and word of mouth The corporate marketers can use as a reference in future related decisions while promoting cosmetic products. The choosing internet celebrities who have higher congruity with consumers to increase their loyalty. It will also influence decisions of consumers' friends based on word-of-mouth.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
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