


Detection of Genetic Relationship in Taiwan Tea Variety (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) with RAPD markers




林世昱(Shih-Yu Lin);陳右人(Iou-Zen Chen);蔡俊明(Chun-Ming Tsai);陳英玲(Ying-Ling Chen)




51卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


357 - 366




用茶業改良場品種園內的96個栽培品種(系)爲材料,以逢機增殖DNA片段(random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD)標誌,探討品種(系)間遺傳歧異度及親緣關係。以19個有效逢機引子對96個樣品擴增出112個多型性條帶,平均每個引子產生5.9個條帶。合併19個引子的RAPD分析結果,可有效區分具有親緣關係之品種;根據相似性係數之數值矩陣進行群聚分析後的樹狀圖,以遺傳相似度0.65爲截點分爲A、B兩群。A群共有21個品種,組成份含大葉種及部分小葉種,可細分爲AI與AⅡ兩個亞群;AⅠ可再分爲兩小群,AⅠ1有‘台茶八號’、‘台茶十八號’等5個品種;AI2有‘香耳’、‘大冇’等4個品種。AⅡ包含‘Jaipuri’、'Manipuri'、'Kyang'等12個品種。B群共有75個品種,包含目前台灣主要的栽培品種,依遺傳相似度可分爲BⅠ、BⅡ到BⅢ三個亞群。BI以台茶新品種爲主,除台茶八、十二、十三、十八號之外均在此群中,還包含‘大葉烏龍’(‘台茶十號’及‘十一號’之母本)、‘紅心烏龍’及‘鐵觀音’、‘小葉鐵觀音’。BⅡ可再分爲7小群,BⅡ1僅‘台茶十二號’1品種。BⅡ2含‘台茶十三號’、‘青心烏龍’、‘四季春’等14品種。BⅡ3有‘桃仁烏’、‘楓子林’兩個品種。BⅡ4有‘柑仔’與‘枝蘭’等19個品種;BⅡ5有‘武夷’、‘青心大冇’、‘水仙’、‘白毛猴’等7個品種;BⅡ6有‘大吉嶺’、‘祈門’等4個品種;BⅡ7群含有‘台茶十九號’、‘台茶二十號’、‘台農八號’等5個品種。BⅢ包含‘皋盧’、‘緬甸’、‘黑面早種’、‘白心烏龍’4個品種。其中,‘柑仔’與‘黃柑’不能區分,其餘品種、品系多有效區分。由以上結果顯示台灣地區主要栽培品種之親緣關係甚爲接近,值得茶樹育種者注意。


The 96 cultivars and lines from Taiwan tea experiment station were investigated for their genetic divergence and relationship by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). 19 valid primers generated 112 bands, averaged 5.9 bands per primer, in this experiment. The results of RAPD analysis effectively identify the cultivar with close relationship. In accordance with the dendrogram constructed by similarity matrices based on Jaccard's coefficient of community, these cultivars can be divided into two groups, A and B, against 0.65 genetic similarity. Group A comprises 21 of cultivars, including Dah-ya-jung and parts of Shiau-ya-jung. They could be divided into AIand AⅡ 2 subgroup. AⅠ consist of AⅠ 1 and AI 2. The former comprises of 5 cultivars, including 'Shiang-er', 'Dah-pan'. AⅡ comprised 12 cultivars, including 'Jaipuriv, 'Manipuri', 'Kyang'. There are 75 cultivars in group B, including the principal cultivated cultivars in Taiwan. They could be divided into BⅠ, BⅡ and BⅢ3 subgroup according to their genetic similarity. BⅠ contains most of the TTES new released cultivars, except 'TTES No. 8', 'TTES No. 12', 'TTES No. 13' and 'TTES No.18', and including 'Dah-Yeh-Oolong', ‘Hong-Shin-Oolong', 'Tiee-Guan-In' and 'Shiau-Yeh-Tiee-GuanIn'. BⅡ could be further divided into 7 smaller groups. BⅡ1 comprises of only ‘TTES No. 12'. BⅡ2 comprises of 14 cultivars, including 'TTES No. 13', 'Chin-Shin-Oolong', 'Sz-Ji-Chuen'. BⅡ3 comprises of 2 cultivars, including 'Tau-Ren-Wu', 'Feng-Tz-Lin'. BII4 comprises of 19 cultivars, including 'Gan-Tzai' and 'Jr-Lan'. BII 5 comprises of 7 cultivars, including 'Wu-Yi', 'Chin-Shin-Dah-Pan', 'Shoei-Shian', 'Pei-Mao-Ho'. BII 6 comprises of 4 cultivars, including 'Dar-Jir-Ling', 'Chyi-Men'. BII 7 comprises of 5 cultivars, including 'TTES No. 19', 'TTES No. 20', 'Tai-Nung No. 8'. 'Gao-Lu', 'Burma', 'Hei-Mian-Teau-Jung', 'Bai-Shin-Oolong' belong to BIII. Although its difficult to distinguish 'Gan-Tzai' from 'Hwang-Gan', identification of the other cultivars is feasible. The results suggested that the relationship among the principal cultivated cultivars in Taiwan is fairly close, this is important for local tea breeders.

主题分类 生物農學 > 植物學
生物農學 > 農業