


A Study on the Change Use Mechanism for the Western Coastal Aquaculture Area in Taiwan




毛冠貴(Guan-Guay Mao)


養殖用地 ; 地層下陷 ; 轉型使用 ; 市場機制 ; 永續發展 ; 社會使用價值觀 ; 市場價值觀 ; 生態價值觀 ; 循環水養殖系統 ; 水產種苗中心 ; aquaculture area ; aquifer subsidence ; land change use ; market mechanism ; sustainable development ; social use values ; market values ; ecological values ; circulating aquaculture system ; fishseed center




72期(2002 / 12 / 01)


1 - 43




本文從國土永續利用觀點,及經由實地調查、德爾菲法問卷調查、資料的整理與分析,提出養殖用地轉型使用機制之對策,主要結論歸納如下: 1.西部沿海地層下陷養殖用地適合轉用的型態,可分為觀光遊憩區、工業區、工商綜合區、復育區及其他等五種,其中以復育區為最多,其次分別為觀光遊憩區、工業區、工商綜合區、新社區或新市鎮、水產試驗區。這顯示大多數的受訪者認為西部沿海地層下陷養殖用地轉用的型態,以自然生態的維護及低密度的開發使用為主。 2.養殖地區轉型使用之策略計有養殖業因應對策及政府公共投資等二項。第一,提升西部沿海地層下陷養殖地區產業競爭力與產業結構轉型,需針對當地養殖漁業的競爭優勢,引進與養殖漁業關連性高的產業,例如轉型成水產種苗中心,以增加養殖漁業的附加價值,提高西部沿海地層下陷養殖地區投資的乘數效果。第二,考量西部沿海地層下陷養殖地區的區位需求及土地適宜性,規劃適當之養殖生產區,興建公共供水系統、排水系統與養殖用水循環再利用系統,減少養殖業者超抽地下水,及降低業者生產成本,形成非專業區養殖用地轉型之經濟誘因。 3.為促進西部沿海養殖用地有效地轉型利用,使全體國民都能公平享有土地開發利益,而達成永續發展之目標,需要政府部門及民間部門發揮互補性的功能,茲將其內容摘要如下: (l)西部沿海地層下陷養殖地區的土地開發方式,計有區段徵收、市地重劃、農村社區土地重劃及開發許可制等方式。各種土地開發方式之運用,宜依開發區位適宜性,開發利益回饋,外部設施,對社經自然環境可接受度,及地方居民與養殖業者的意見等因素,並透過市場機制,結合專家專業審查,提出土地所有權人領回抵價地占徵收總面積比例或土地所有權人折價抵付共同負擔土地的合理數據。例如,西部沿海養殖用地採區段徵收開發者,則於百分之四十至百分之五十之間,提出土地所有權人領回抵價地占徵收總面積比例的合理數據。 (2)西部沿海地層下陷養殖地區若採用開發許可制的方式辦理開發,則需於都市計畫法、區域計畫法、平均地權條例、土地徵收條例、農村社區土地重劃條例、農業發展條例等法律,明定開發者應興闢公共設施,繳交開發影響費,捐贈土地或繳交土地代金等負擔項目。 (3)西部沿海養殖地區轉型使用的可行性,可就法律、行政、財務三方面說明之。就法律層面而言,區段徵收、市地重劃及農村社區土地重劃地區及開發許可等四種開發方式,都有法源依據,只是開發許可以行政命令定之,效力稍嫌薄弱。就行政層面而言,市地重劃、區段徵收及農村社區土地重劃行之有年,土地所有權人多能接受,開發許可並無法律做為執行依據,執行上較為困難。就財務層面而言,政府所需負擔公共設施經費的比例,以開發許可為最少,農村社區土地重劃為最多,而市地重劃及區段徵收則居於兩者之問,至於兩者何者較高,需視計畫區的公共建設經費而定。 4.落實西部沿海養殖地區轉型使用的永續發展目標,需考慮社會使用價值觀、市場價值觀及生態價值觀的平衡發展,而轉型使用機制要能順利運作,則需由政府提供資訊給有投資意願的開發者、地主及當地居民,以建立市場的公平競爭環境。


Based on the view of sustainable land use, this study focuses on the change use mechanism for the western coastal aquaculture area, and proceeds with the field survey and the questionnaire survey performed by the experts and scholars using the DELPHI method. The research results are summarized as follows: 1. The aquaculture land change use patterns are developed as sightseeing and recreational area, industry area, industrial and commercial mixed area, conservation area, and miscellaneous area. The conservation area has the highest frequency. The next is the recreation area, the industry area, industry and commercial mixed area, new community or new town, aqua culturally experimental area. 2. The western coastal aquaculture land change use strategies contain two items, namely, aquaculture countermeasures and government’s public investment projects. This is summarized as follows:(1)To promote the aquaculture competition and its structure change, but to do this, one needs to think about the competitive advantage of local aquaculture, for example, the aquaculture fishseed center may enhance or increase the added value of the fishery industry and promote the investment multiplier effect of the fishery industry; (2) Considering the location requirement and land suitability of the western coastal subsidence aquaculture area, we plan the appropriate aquaculture area and construct the public water supply system, the sewage system, the circulating aquaculture system, and decrease the underground water pouring out and formulate the incentive of subsidence land change use. 3. In order to promote the efficient change use of the western coastal aquaculture land, and make citizens enjoy the benefits of land development equally and achieve the aim of sustainable land development, there is a need to elaborate on the complementary function for the government sector and the private sector. This is summarized as follows: (1) In relation to land development methods of the western coastal subsidence aquaculture area, they have zone expropriation, urban land consolidation method, rural community land consolidation method and planning permission. Every kind of land development methods is used by considering the suitability of the development location, the feedback of the development benefits, external facilities, accessibility, social and economic, and natural environment, local inhabitant’s opinions. At last the committee, which contain experts, scholars, agency delegates, and local inhabitants etc., propose that the landowners receive the reasonable ratio of development area. For example, adopting the zone expropriation, lower limit is 40% and the upper limit is 50%. (2) In the future, if we adopt the planning permission system, the public facilities and submit to impact fees, and donate land or submit money in place of land will have to be regulated in the Urban Planning Law, Regional Planning Law, the Equalization of Land Right Act, Land Expropriation Act, Rural Community Land Consolidation Act, and Agriculture Development Act etc. (3) It explores the feasibility of western coastal aquaculture area change use from these legal, fiscal and administrative contexts. From the legal context, zone expropriation, urban land use consolidation, rural community land consolidation and planning permission all have been regulated in the law and regulation, but only planning permission is regulated in the regulation, its effect is weak. From the administrative context, urban land consolidation, zone expropriation and rural community land consolidation have been implemented at least sixteen years. Most landowners can accept above three methods, but planning permission lacks the guidance of the law, it is not easy to be implemented now. From the fiscal context, concerning with the proportion of public facility which is undertaken by the government, the planning permission is at the least, the rural community land consolidation is at the highest, the urban land consolidation and zone expropriation are in the middle, which is more highly depending on the public facility expenditure of the planning area. 4. In summary, one wants to achieve the aim of sustainable land development at the western coastal aquaculture area. We need to consider the balance of social use value, market value, and ecological value. The change use mechanism to be operated smoothly, government needs to afford information to the potential developers, landowners, and local inhabitants and set up the equally competitive market.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
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