


Using Conjoint Analysis to Evaluate the Certification System of Organic Products




黃璋如(Chang-Ju Huang);周孟萱(Men-Hsuen Chiou)


有機農產品 ; 聯合分析 ; 市場份額 ; 驗證政策 ; 產銷履歷 ; organic products ; conjoint analysis ; market share ; certification system ; traceability




86期(2009 / 12 / 01)


69 - 94




本研究以聯合分析法估測在不同驗證制度下有機農產品之市場份額,以探討政府部門將有機農產品農藥殘留檢驗標準由「不得檢出」放寬至「安全容許量的5%」,以及強制有機農場實施「產銷履歷驗證」才能通過「有機驗證」之兩措施,是否真能提高消費者的效用及購買意願。 研究結果發現上網登錄產銷履歷並無法提高有機農產品之市場份額,而放寬農藥殘留檢驗標準,更使市場份額減少,顯示該兩政策並不是消費者所需要的。 聯合分析結果顯示,在農產品的四種屬性中,受訪者認爲標章最重要,農藥殘留標準與產銷履歷兩水準之重要性相差不多,價格的重要性最低。 在四種標章水準中,有機標章的效用最大,產銷履歷次之,吉園圃標章第三,無標章的效用遠低於上述標章。在農藥殘留標準的三個水準中,「不得檢出」帶給受訪者最高的效用,且遠高於效用其次之「安全容許量的5%」,安全容許量的效用最低。產銷履歷屬性的各種水準中,紙本記錄的效用稍低於上網登錄,但無記錄的效用則遠低於上述兩種記錄方式。在價格屬性中,價格越低效用越大,此與需求理論相符。


Taiwan government has been aggressively requiring organic products' traceability records to be registered in a specific website instead of a paper-based traceability system. Besides, the government proposed to allow the use of organic labels for products with residual pesticide up to 5% of the safety level instead of non-residue. This study attempted to examine if these policies are expected by the consumers. The conjoint analysis results indicate that online traceability registration has no appreciable advantage over paper-based registration in terms of market share. This study also discovered that the liberalization of the definition of organic produce to include ”5% of safety level” will actually decrease the market share of organic products. The results show that among the four attributes for agricultural products, ”certification” has the highest degree of importance, followed by the approximately equal ”residual pesticide level” and ”traceability”, with ”price” being the lowest. In various certification schemes, organic products have the highest level of utility, followed by TAP and GAP. Uncertified products rank the lowest. In traceability attributes, online registration has slightly higher utility than paper-based registration, with no traceability having the lowest level. In the detection of residual pesticide, ”none detected” has a much higher utility level than ”5% of safety level” and ”safety level.”

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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