


Group Performance Evaluation of Chinese and Indian Banking Industry




李揚(Yang Li);郭睿淇(Jui-Chi Kuo);李威龍(Wei-Long Lee);林孟熙(Meng-Hsi Lin)


銀行產業 ; 中國 ; 印度 ; DEA ; 群體績效 ; 雙曲線距離函數 ; 變動規模報酬 ; Banking Industry ; China ; India ; DEA ; Group Performance ; Hyperbolic Distance Function ; Variable Returns to Scale




87_S期(2010 / 09 / 01)


87 - 116




中國與印度爲亞洲最受矚目的新興經濟體,兩國近年來在經濟上的卓越表現,逐漸成爲國際間注意的焦點。由於中、印兩國的資本市場發展不夠成熟,高度依賴銀行融資貸款來協助國內的經濟發展,銀行產業的經營績效與兩國的經濟發展息息相關;再者,中國被譽爲「世界工廠」,印度則有「世界辦公室」之稱,支持兩國經濟發展的銀行產業是否因此存在結構上的差異,值得進一步分析。因此,本研究將雙曲線距離函數應用於群體績效指數,據以分析中國和印度兩國銀行產業群體績效。研究樣本取自於 Bankscope資料庫,期間涵蓋2003年至2007年。實證結果顯示:印度銀行產業群體績效基本上優於中國銀行產業,主要來自於印度銀行產業較佳的生產邊界之生產力和群體內規模效率之一致性。不過,中、印兩國銀行產業群體之生產邊界的生產力並未存在完全優勢的情形,而是各自營運在其較具生產力優勢的生產邊界範圍內。此外,約有2.6%的產出距離函數以變動規模報酬生產邊界衡量出現無解的情形,但應用雙曲線距離函數則不會遭遇無解的問題。


China and India are important newly emerging economies in Asia. Since the capital markets in both countries are not well-developed, banking industries play an important role in financing the economic growth. Furthermore, China and India are called ”World Factory” and ”World Office,” respectively. Consequently, it is worth to investigate whether banking industries operating under different economic systems exist distinctive characteristics. Hence, this study applies the hyperbolic distance function to construct the group performance index of Chinese and Indian banking industries to fulfill the intension. The empirical results, based on the data obtained from Bankscope over the period 2003-2007, show that the group performance of Indian banking industry is better than that of Chinese banking industry, mainly come from superior frontier productivity and consistent scale efficiency. Other empirical findings include: (1) Frontiers of both groups intersect and most of DMUs are located in the area where their group has larger productivity; (2) There are 2.6% of total observations suffered the infeasible problem, measured by output distance functions.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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