


The Research on Taiwan's Illegally Cultivated Slopeland




陳政位(Cheng-Wei Chen);范宇平(Yu-Ping Fan)


山坡地 ; 犯罪 ; 水土保持 ; 檳榔 ; 茶葉 ; Slope Land ; Crime ; Soil and Water Conservation ; Betel Nuts ; Tea




89期(2011 / 06 / 01)


125 - 151




臺灣地小人稠,加上政府重視經濟發展,以往對山坡地開發採取放任政策,惟天災頻繁,致山坡地經常出現土石災情。自1993年實施水土保育政策,期透過立法、宣導及查緝遏阻人民開發山坡地。由於歷年取締違規查緝山坡地面積與許多研究估計實際超限利用面積相差甚大,顯示山坡地保育政策以直接立法行政管制可能仍無法達到政策目標。經濟政策除了直接立法行政管制,也可利用經濟誘因手段達成政策目標。本研究擬從行爲人違規動機討論個人的經濟誘因及政府取締的嚇阻影響,形成山坡地違規面積均衡數量之經濟理論。利用1999-2006年縣市別資料進行實證分析,先利用傳統犯罪計量模型採用的線性對數化以最小平方法(OLS)進行分析,再加上系統模型的二階段最小平方法(2SLS)比對出各變數的影響,研究顯示民眾違規使用山坡地,主要是受山地農業政策包括水稻、檳榔、茶葉等的政策所影響,此外政府的查緝決心包括是否願意投入大 量專責人力亦有相當影響。因此建議政府應投入大量專責人力以遏阻違規。並透過重新擬定檳榔、茶葉等高經濟作物的產銷政策遏阻山坡地違規農業使用行爲。


For purposes of economic development and releasing population density pressure, Taiwan's government had ignored people illegally cultivating slopeland. Due to extensive slopeland damage in recent years, the government understood the importance of soil and water conservation and legislated, educated people, and reinforced prohibited illegal use of slopeland. However, the area of investigation and prosecution cases of slopeland illegally used which government reinforced is very different from the illegally used area of some empirical researches estimation, which means direct order controlling method has not deterred Taiwan's illegal slopeland development. The resource reservation could be managed by direct order controlling or economic incentive methods. This research discusses the motives and deterrence factors of people illegally cultivate slopeland, and set up an economic theory of people illegally cultivated slopeland. The data from 1999-2006 (eight years) and coverstwenty-one counties in Taiwan was analyzed by the method of ordinary least squares (OLS) and two-stage least squares (2SLS) to find out the impact of economic and social variables. The results show that people who illegally cultivating slopeland are motivated by the revenue difference of planting rice, betel nuts trees, and tea trees. This research suggests government could increase the reinforcement and making tea and betel nuts production and marketing policies to deter people illegally cultivating slopeland.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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