


Measuring Consumer Demand for Regional Sustainable Eco-labeled Seafood in Taiwan




詹滿色(Man-Ser Jan);林欣君(Shin-Chun Lin)


海洋漁業永續生態標章 ; 水產品 ; 臺灣 ; 選擇實驗 ; Sustainable Eco-labeled ; Seafood ; Taiwan ; Choice Experiment




106期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 38




本研究應用選擇實驗(choice experiment)問卷調查的方式,探討臺灣消費者對於區域性永續漁業生態標章的需求,分析消費者對以石斑魚、白蝦及透抽產品屬性(如收穫方式、產地、有無永續生態標章認證及價格)的偏好。實證模型的設定以隨機參數Logit模型(random parameter logit model)估計每位受訪者對各屬性的成分效用值(part worth),並計算各屬性的相對重要性(relative important score)。實證結果顯示,針對石斑魚,受訪者較偏好野生捕撈、生態養殖及具有國內永續生態標章認證,各屬性以收穫方式被認為是最重要的屬性,永續生態標章屬性次之,價格屬性的相對重要性最低。對白蝦而言,則較偏好以生態養殖及來源為臺灣國產品,價格高低及有無生態標章並未呈現顯著偏好差異,產地屬性在各屬性中被認為最重要,其次為收穫方式,最不重視的為價格屬性。對透抽而言,受訪消費者較偏好野生網獲、國產品、有永續生態認證標章的產品,各屬性中,永續生態認證標章為最被重視的屬性,價格屬性次之,收穫方式及產地双而最不受重視。


This research uses choice experiment survey to elicit respondents' demand for eco-labeled seafood on grouper, white shrimp, and squid products in Taiwan. It includes preferences for various attributes of seafood such as harvest method, country of origin, eco-label, and price. Random parameter logit model used to obtain individual implicit weights (part worth, or marginal utility) and relative important score of the attributes. The results show that compare with scientific farming, respondents prefer wild harvest and ecological farming for Grouper with domestic sustainable eco-label certification. The harvest method and eco-label were considered as the most important attributes. For white shrimp products, respondents prefer ecological farming and domestic origins. The country of origin and harvest method attribute were considered as the most important attributes. For the squid products, respondents preferred wild net, origin from Taiwan, and with sustainable eco-certification. The eco-labeled certification was considered as most important attribute, followed by price attributes. Harvest methods and the origin attributes were the least important attributes for squid products.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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