


The Effect of The Spatial Dispersion of Convenience Stores on House Prices: A Spatial Analysis in Taipei Metropolis




彭蒂菁(Ti-Ching Peng)


房價 ; 超商/便利商店 ; 空間分散度 ; 空間迴歸 ; 空間外溢效果 ; House Prices ; Convenience Store ; Spatial Dispersion ; Spatial Spillover Effect




110期(2021 / 12 / 01)


51 - 104




零售聚集為常見的商業模式,但不同於其他零售業,超商(或名便利商店)的高度聚集不限於單一定點,而是遍布台灣各地,左右消費者生活模式。超商聚集固然代表超商可及性,但此特性是否影響周遭房價,應取決於超商空間分散度。根據Andrews P.W.S.的經濟理論,本研究假設,在一定範圍內民眾能順便路過超商滿足所需,此可及性優勢應更能反應於房價上,並確保超商營運在聚集競爭中維持平衡。大台北地區住宅、超商高度聚集,空間外溢效應是否存在,是值得探討的議題。本文採用三種空間計量模型,探討「超商密度」(各住宅100公尺內超商總數)與「超商空間分散度」(各住宅100公尺內超商間距離)這兩項超商可及性指標對大台北地區房價的影響。實證結果顯示,空間自變數延滯模型表現較佳;在超商高度聚集的大台北地區,「超商密度」對房價並無顯著影響,但「超商空間分散度」具有外溢效應。超商聚集但保持距離,讓居民從四面八方路過消費;鄰近住宅之超商分散度愈高,此項空間優勢會外溢影響至自身住宅價格。在現今超商密集趨勢下,「聚集但保持距離」應是未來超商設店考慮的方向:空間聚集維持經營效益,但保持距離更能提升居住便利性及鄰里房價優勢。


Unlike other retailers in Taiwan, convenience stores are not agglomerated in a single spatial point, but spread densely over urban areas. The effect of convenience stores on house prices is subject to its spatial dispersion. Convenience stores (with similar goods and services) would have geographic retailing edge if its location allows residents to "happen to pass by" to satisfy their needs; moreover, spatial dispersion ensures the retailing balance among stores in agglomeration competition. Whether spatial spillover effect exists is worth further exploration. This study adopted three types of spatial models (spatial lag model, spatial lagged X model and spatial Durbin model) to examine the effect of two accessibility indicators of convenience stores - "spatial density" (total number of convenience stores within 100 meters of each residence) and "spatial dispersion" (distance among convenience stores within 100 meters of each residence) - on property prices in Taipei Metropolis. It is found that "spatial density" was not influential to property values but "spatial dispersion" had spatial spillover effect on property prices. That is, if convenience stores agglomerate but keep certain distance among each other, it allows residents to easily pass by stores and shop, and this spatial dispersion advantage of nearby properties would spillover to our residence (or vice versa). In summary, while spatial agglomeration allows retailing efficiency, "clustering but still keeping distance" should allow stores to hold competitive advantages, elevate living convenience and local property values in neighbourhoods.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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