


The Literary View of Fan Zhongyan and the Formation of Taixue Style as a Dominating Idea




馮志弘(Chi-Wang Fung)


范仲淹 ; 太學體 ; 石介 ; 頌聲來復 ; Fan Zhongyan ; taixue style ; Shi Jie ; "circulating the voice of praise"




38卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


85 - 115






This paper illustrates literary pursuits of Fan Zhongyan as well as the origins of the formation of taixue style. It aims to demonstrate three main ideas. First, despite the fact that Fan Zhongyan supported Han Yu's ideas on gudao (classical way) and guwen (classical writings), he never considered that ”innovation of literary style” goes hand in hand with the objective of political reformation that took place during the Qingli period. The reason is that Fan reckoned that ”elegance” and ”voice of praise” are the key factors of literary works functions as advocating morals and manners; thus he did not pay too much attention to innovation of literary style. Secondly, Fan recommended Hu Yuan to keep and rectify rites and music, as well as appointed Hu Yuan and Sun Fu to be in charge of the Imperial Academy in order to manifest ”practice of rites and music.” He did so because this ceremonial music and institution of rites symbolized the voice of a peaceful period which represented ”the model writing style found in the period of Three Sovereigns,” and conformed with his pursuit of the literary ideal that ”as the Song dynasty is flourishing, it is suitable to establish institutions of rites and music.” Finally, due to the fact that Fan's concept of ”upholding the voice of praise” provided a theoretical basis for taixue sty le to advocate writings with ”purely elegant and proper styles,” along with the addition of interference in administrative commands during the Qingli period, taixue style rose spontaneously. This explains why taixue style had an enormous influence upon the reversion to writing style during the Qingli period.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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