


"Service to Heaven" and "Reverence for Heaven": Religious Concerns of Four Marginal Confucians in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties




吳震(Zhen Wu)


事天 ; 尊天 ; 畏天 ; 立命 ; 儒教 ; 儒學宗教化 ; service to Heaven ; reverence for Heaven ; fear of Heaven ; establishing one's destiny ; Confucianism ; religionization of Confucianism




39卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


125 - 163






Instead of ”great figures” in ”grand narratives,” this article is a case study of four marginal Confucians in the under-developed areas of China during the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties: Wen Xiangfeng in Shanxi, Wang Qiyuan in Guangxi, Xie Wencun in Jiangxi, and Wei Yijie in Hebei. The paper aims to show that, in addition to their Confucian convictions, their unique ideas on religious matters also deserve our close attention. Particularly, it attempts to show that (i) they all advocate the ideas of ”service to Heaven,” ”reverence for Heaven,” ”fear of Heaven,” and ”establishing one's destiny,” with some of them even attempting to institutionalize a Confucian or Ruist religion; (ii) their conceptualizations of the religious ideas of ”Heaven” and ”God” vividly reflect the interactions between Confucianism and other religions in that period; and (iii) they assess and reject Catholicism as a foreign religion from their standpoint as followers of either traditional religions or Neo-Confucianism. In short, this intellectual trend of the MingQing Dynasties demands our serious attention.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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