


Poetic Formulas and Local Metaphor - Based on the Formulas in the hills . . . in the Marshes and in the South of the Shijing




鄭毓瑜(Yu-yu Cheng)


詩經 ; 重複短語 ; 風土隱喻 ; 「山有……隰有」 ; 「南有……」 ; Shijing (Classic of Odes) ; poetic formulas ; local metaphor ; in the hills... in the marshes, in the South




39卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29




重複短語(在相同韻律條件下重復出現於一首詩或數首詩中)是詩經中常見的一種音響型式(acoustic pattern),也稱為「習語」、「套語」或「相同句」,而以起「興」出現的相同句又被認為是這些套語流行的主因。興句與詩意的關係向來難以定論,而以套語型式出現的興句,除了因襲、抄襲這類負面的看法,如果放置在口述表達的系統裡,利用固定短語表達某一主題及其相關意象,其實是一種極為生動又有創意的反覆。本文選取「山有…隰有…」與「南有…」這兩組重複短語為例,則希望進一步呈現,重複短語除了表達某一種典型情態或基本意念,更是某種地域風士的譬喻,尤其是自周初以來黃河中、下游及其至於江漠地區的風士感的譬喻性表達。換言之,這兩組重複短語其實是牽涉著一種乾寒地域的溼暖「渴」望,同時也成為期待、嚮往這類情感的譬喻源頭。


Poetic formulas (phrases that recur in the same metrical position in one or several poems) are an acoustic pattern employed frequently in the Shijing. In Modern Chinese they are called chongfu duanyu, xiyu, taoyu, or xiangtong ju. The formulas sometimes appear in xing (”stimulus”)lines, and xing lines have been considered the principal reason for their frequent use. The precise relationship between xing lines and the overall poetic meaning has long been controversial. The xing lines that appear as formulas can be treated negatively as mere copying or blind tradition, but if they are understood properly in a system of oral expression, they can then be seen as a free and creative use of repetition, with fixed phrases representing a set theme or related images. In this paper, I examine the formulas ”in the hills there is. in the marshes there is . . .”and ”in the South there is . . .”, I show that, since the early Zhou Period, these formulas do not just indicate a fixed mood or set of images but are really metaphors for a certain geographical region, and especially from the area around the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to the Jiang and Han Rivers. In other words, these formulas are a concretization of this dry, cold region's thirst for moisture and warmth, and the source of metaphors for longing and hope.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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