


Calligraphy for Social Obligations and the Social Network of Wang Duo: Writing for Local Officials of Henan and Powerful Han Officials in the Early Qing Government




薛龍春(Long-Chun Xue)


明末清初 ; 王鐸 ; 書法應酬 ; 受書人 ; 人脈網絡 ; late Ming and early Qing ; Wang Duo ; social obligations ; calligraphy recipients ; social networks




40卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


513 - 541






In addition to creating calligraphic works for sale, Wang Duo often used them as gifts to fulfill certain social obligations. The main recipients were his colleagues at work, local officials, and fellow artists. Among them, two groups were especially significant. First, Wang gave calligraphic works to local officials, which allowed him to maintain friendly relations with important families and enjoy certain privileges. Second, Wang also gave his valuable works to powerful Han officials in the Qing court in hopes of establishing a social network in the new dynasty. This clearly conflicts with the account of other former Ming officials in the Qing government, who described Wang as reluctant to serve the Manchus and as leading a decadent life. Here, Wang Duo's actual social attempts are revealed by the whereabouts of his calligraphic works.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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