


Material Environment, Artistic Scene, and Ultimate Spiritual Principle: The Aesthetics of Multi-layer Landscape Architecture in Bai Juyi's Lu-dao Garden




侯迺慧(Nai-Huei Hou)


唐代 ; 白居易 ; 履道圈 ; 水景 ; 空間詩學 ; 造境 ; 人文主義地理學 ; Tang Dynasty ; Bai Juyi ; Lu-dao Garden ; waterscape ; spatial poetics ; landscape architecture ; humanistic geography




41卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


445 - 476




本文結合空間詩學、造境理論與人文主義地理思想,分析白居易履道園水景的多重造境美學。全文共分為五個部份。一、論成白居易履道園是典型的「夢的家屋」,詩人在此以其主體性價值觀的投射、造形為園林進行多重造境;而水景是此造境的關鍵性元素。二、論成在物質造境方面,履道圍以水池為中心,以婉蜓的流泉為路徑,營構出一個可以360度展演變化的觀賞焦點,與遊走不盡的無限回環空間。三,論成在藝術造境方面,白居易以水景縈繞臥床之下的佈局,創造「角落」的私密幸福與高臥臨水的身姿意象象徵;以水中倒影創造微型世界,解放慣有的空間觀看關係;以剪裁重組江南風物,創造記憶中的微型故鄉;以泛舟臥遊的超越性視角來反觀自我的觀看。四,論成在契道的造境方面, 白居易以靜觀格物的方法,與禪定修練的工夫,為履道園創造深沉凝定又朗朗清明的道境,營構出自足圓滿的至樂之境。五、結論。


This paper combines spatial poetics, landscape architecture theory and humanistic geographical ideology, analyzing Tang Dynasty Poet Bai Juyi's 白居易 aesthetics of multi-layer landscape architecture on the waterscape of his Lu-dao Garden 履道園. This paper is divided into five parts. Part One discusses Bai Juyi's Lu-dao Garden as the typical ”Dream Home;” the poet projected his subjective values and conducted multi-layer landscape architecture to shape his wooded garden, and waterscape is a crucial element in this project. Part Two discusses the aspect of the material environment in landscape architecture. Lu-dao Garden, with a pond in the center surrounded by meandering water paths, creates a focal point to showcase variations and can be appreciated from 360 degrees. It also offers a space allowing for wandering endlessly in loops. Thirdly, discuss the aspect of the artistic scene which Bai Juyi's created with the arrangement of surrounding waterscapes under the bed, producing the exclusive delight of ”corner space” and symbolic imagery of lounging gestures above water. The reflection in the water is used to establish a microcosm, liberating conventional relationships when viewing the space. By re-organizing sceneries from South of the Yangzi River, he created a miniature homeland based on his memory; a transcendental angle is used as if lying on a boat to review the self's perspective. Part Four discusses landscaping actions involved in accordance with the ultimate spiritual principles. Bai Juyi applied a method of contemplative investigation in researching matters and efforts in meditative Zen practices to create a deep, distilled and lucid state for Lu-dao Garden as the ultimate spiritual principle, constructing a blissful condition of self-containment and perfection. Part Five is the conclusion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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