


The Localization of Western World Maps in the Late Ming and Early Qing: On Xiong Mingyu's Kunyu Wangguo Quantu and Xiong Renlin's Yudi Quantu




徐光台(Kuang-tai Hsu)


西方世界地圖的在地化 ; 利瑪竇 ; 熊明遇 ; 坤輿萬國全圖 ; 熊人霖 ; 輿地全圖 ; the localization of western world maps ; Matteo Ricci ; Xiong Mingyu ; Kunyu Wangguo Quantu ; Xiong Renlin ; Yudi Quantu




46卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


319 - 358




明末利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610)入華繪製多幅中文世界地圖,將中國移到中央位置,並加入宇宙論、天文、曆法與世界各地國名和地理知識,以吸引中國士人注意,為西方世界地圖傳入中國的初步在地化。受限於書籍尺寸大小,出於新奇或不同目的,中國士人將利瑪竇世界地圖簡略摹繪或調整,未學習西方繪圖傳統。熊明遇(1579-1649)接受西方兩個圓球式宇宙論,認為地圓而非方隅,中國不在地中。在《則草二.圓地總無罅礙》中,批判朱熹(1130-1200)的宇宙生成與相關學說,為說明船航行於水多地少無罅礙的圓球上,提供「坤輿萬國全圖」,刻意將中國移回圖右側邊緣位置。在《地緯.地圖》中,熊人霖(1604-1666)雖摹繪此圖,卻將與陸地鄰近的海塗黑,以凸顯陸地與圍繞的海洋,改名為「輿地全圖」。


The localization of western world maps in the late Ming and early Qing can be divided into two distinct levels and directions. Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) initiated the first level and direction in his effort to persuade Chinese literati to engage with new types of knowledge. On the basis of western cosmological and map-making traditions, Ricci produced several world maps in which he moved China to the center, and moreover included western knowledge of cosmology, astronomy, and the calendar. Chinese literati attracted by Ricci’s world map(s) were responsible for creating the second level and direction in the localization of western world maps in China, even though they had no intention of learning western map-making traditions. Limited by the physical dimensions of Chinese books, they produced small world maps. For instance, there are two such maps, the Kunyu Wangguo Quantu 坤輿萬國全圖and the Yudi Quantu 輿地全圖, found in Xiong Mingyu 熊明遇's Gezhi Cao《格致草》and Xiong Renlin 熊人霖's Diwei《地緯》respectively, which were edited by Xiong Zhixue 熊志學and published in 1648. Xiong Mingyu accepted the Aristotelian twosphere model of the cosmos, believing that the shape of the Earth was spherical rather than square, and that China was not at its center. In 1626, in order to negate Zhu Xi 朱熹's view of the world and to show how ships could circumnavigate the surface of the earth, Xiong Mingyu presented a small version of the Kunyu Wangguo Quantu in which he moved China from its central location to the eastern margins. Xiong Renlin modified this map to create the Yudi Quantu, which showed the five continental lands surrounded by oceans.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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