


What Did Qin Ke Hear? The Corporeal Technique of Knowing in Ji Kang’s "Sheng wu aile lun"




顏學誠(Yen Hsueh-cheng)


善聽 ; 身體技藝 ; 姿態 ; 拓印 ; 感應 ; 符號 ; hearing ; corporeal techniques ; gesture ; mapping ; empathy ; sign




48卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29






The "Sheng wu aile lun" 聲無哀樂論 presents an epistemological debate on the problem of whether a person can grasp the music producer's emotions and intentions without the help of symbols. Dongye Zhuren 東野主人, who represents the author Ji Kang's 嵇康 perspective, denies this possibility. His opponent, Qin Ke 秦客, by contrast, proposes a theory that explains why certain music listeners could connect to the inner state of the music producer through music. While Dongye Zhuren's point is similar to Saussurean structuralism, it is Qin Ke's position that has the potential to offer a breakthrough. This article examines Qin Ke's reasoning and compares it to several theories of the body that also try to make a similar type of breakthrough.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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