


"When Guilt is Found Anywhere, Let It Rest on Me": Concern for the Homeland in Southern Dynasties Repentance Dharma




紀志昌(Chi Chih-chang)


南朝 ; 禮懺 ; 懺文 ; 菩薩行 ; 儒佛交涉 ; 家國意識 ; Southern Dynasties ; repentance ritual ; repentance texts ; Bodhisattva practice ; interactions between Confucianism and Buddhism ; homeland consciousness




48卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


31 - 72






The popularization of repentance ritual thought was a major feature in the development of Buddhism in China. During the Southern Dynasties, repentance ritual was combined with the religious activities of emperors and scholars for the purpose of providing social relief, and it became a means of propagating the dharma from knowledgeable aristocrats to commoners. This study examines repentance ritual from the perspective of a concern for the homeland. It pays close attention to the cultural contexts of repentance ritual that were popular in medieval times, including the religious intentions involved in repentance ritual. In terms of research method, this study focuses its investigation on repentance texts and the sutras on which they were based. It finds that these texts reveal a compassion that was arrived at through the perception of suffering, and also an intention to achieve purification through prayer. The most typical examples involve expressions of political commitment to "regulate families and govern states," to rescue all living creatures through the purification of the six senses, and to practice repentance dharma to stimulate the common field of "individual-family-country." The consciousness of family and country in repentance texts presents proof that "Bodhisattva practice" is featured in both Confucianism and Buddhism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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