Lu You 陸游 wrote eight "Expressing Anger" and "Feeling Anger" poems from 59 to 79. There was another poem titled "Against Feeling Anger." Comparing these poems with those previous related poems, it is possible to discern three distinctive features. First, he clarified the role of "foreigners." Lu You transformed the standard conception of foreign peoples, arguing that their existence was sanctioned by Heaven. He further maintained that they would eventually perish because of their violations against the divine order. Second, Lu engaged in self-analysis through a series of poems that focused on his personal talent and virtue. In these poems, he not only extended his inner spiritual space to the past and future, but also emphasized his unyielding patriotism. And third, Lu modified some portions of his previous compositions. By creating a poem with the new title "Against Feeling Anger," he took the genre in a new direction, opposing those who sought to live happily in the moment. In conclusion, he highlighted the traditional focus on the "self," and fulfilled contemporary needs by reconceptualizing the functional role played by "foreigners" and Heaven in these poems. Finally, he defended the primary preserve of previous compositions by creating a poem using a new title.
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