Drawing on Zhuangzi's allegory of the "mirror," this article extends the traditional notion of "mirror as tranquility" by reflecting on the ideas of "mirror imagery" and "observation." It proposes the idea of "retrospection" as opposed to observation with respect to the "downward gaze" of the ancient mythical great bird Peng 鵬 in "Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease." This article reflects upon how Zhuangzi's argument to act upon others as if one were acting upon a mirror serves the function of "reflecting" the object truthfully. It also considers the inadequacy of this passive reflection, suggesting that in addition to reflecting, one should also be able to "guide" the other proactively. The article first examines the approaches to conflict resolution found in various conflicting situations in the Zhuangzi, which also symbolize the process of "reconciling right and wrong" by means of the mirror approach. This approach also symbolizes the process of the mirror in the accomplished individual's active "reconciliation of right and wrong." Following this, the article depicts the perspective of the recipient, and argues that in spite of Zhuangzi's claim of active moralization, the active nature is simultaneously concealed, enabling the recipient to achieve self-realization in a state of "unawareness." Ultimately, this article attempts to position those who embody the Way in a state in which they experience both right and wrong by referring to Zhuangzi's argument towards the discernment of dreams and consciousness.
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