
Litchi Production and Improvement in Taiwan






張哲嘉(Jer-Chia Chang);林宗賢(Tzong-Shyan Lin);顏昌瑞(Chung-Ruey Yen);張哲瑋(Jer-Way Chang);李文立(Wen-Li Lee)


Litchi chinensis Sonn. ; 品種 ; 產量 ; 品質 ; 隔年結果 ; 裂果 ; 焦核 ; 育種 ; Litchi chinensis Sonn. ; Variety ; Yield ; Quality ; Irregular bearing ; Fruit cracking ; Shriveledseed ; Breeding




10卷1期(2009 / 02 / 01)


63 - 76




台灣自中國大陸引入荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn)雖已有2百多年的歷史,但早年多為零星栽培,俟1950年代後始成為國內之重要園藝作物。歷年來各試驗場所雖已蒐集超過30個以上的品種,惟主要栽培品種只有3個。‘黑葉’('Haak Yip')因其目前適應性廣、豐產、中熟等特性,成為全台最主要的栽培品種,佔總種植面積的86%,其次分別是焦核、質優、高價的‘玉荷包’('Yu Her Pau')及‘73-S-20'【‘糯米粒’('No Mai Tsz')之一種】,此外嘉義農業試驗分所甫於2004年育成父、母本分別為‘玉荷包’及‘黑葉’之雜交新品種‘台農1號’('Tainung No.1')。雖然荔枝的栽培技術早已建立,然近年來產業因遭受品種單一化(‘黑葉’)所衍生的產期過短、優良品種‘玉荷包’和‘73-S-20’著果不良與發生果實生理障害(如裂果與焦核率變異)以及缺乏穩產、質優之新品種等問題之影響,因而進入盤整階段。‘適地適種’俾分散、延長產期、平衡市場供需、改善若干品種之結實及開發新品種為其發展方向。目前台灣之研究人員正持續進行育種,並研發栽培技術以改善‘玉荷包’和'73-S-20'之生產,俾利產業之永續發展。


Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) was introduced into Taiwan more than 200 years ago. Since the 1950s, it has become an economically important horticultural crop. There are three major cultivars among the 30 varieties found in Taiwan. The most popular cultivar is 'Haak Yip', a middle maturing cultivar that is widely adaptable to different growing conditions and produces abundant yields. 'Haak Yip' is cultivated on about 86% of all area in Taiwan under litchi production. It is followed in popularity by the shriveled-seeded, superior quality and high-priced cultivar 'Yu Her Pau' and '73-S-20', a line of 'No Mai Tsz'. 'Tainung No.1', a progeny of hybridization seedlings from 'Haak Yip' (as the mother plant) and 'Yu Her Pau', was developed for commercial use and released by the Chia-Yi Agricultural Experiment Station, TARI in 2004. Although commercial cultural trails have been well established for litchi, the short production season of the dominant cultivar 'Haak Yip', the poor/irregular productivity and fruit physiological disorders such as fruit cracking and variation in shriveledseed ratio in 'Yu Her Pau' and '73-S-20' are constraints to the industry. Based on the policy of the 'appropriate cultivar at appropriate region', attempts are being made that will diversify/extend the production period of litchi into certain geographical regions by matching ecological environments with market demands. Nowadays, researchers in Taiwan are involved in an intensive litchi breeding program and in the development of novel cultural techniques to enhance commercial fruit production of 'Yu Her Pau' and '73-S-20'.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業