In this article, I attempt to talk about some paragraphs in Hui-Yuan's ”Fa Xing Lun” (Doctrine of the Dharmatā) In Yung-Ming Yen-Shou's book ”Zong Jing Lu”, I found five paragraphs entitled ”Fa Xing Lun”. They could be written by Hui-Yuan, who lived in the East Jin Dynasty. In this article, I will focus on the study of literary documents, and my research concentrates on the following points: First of all, I want to show those five paragraphs actually written by Hui-Yuan. If this assumption is proved to be true, it will change the general conception that ”Fa Xing Lun” could be found only in Hui-Jiao's ”Gao Zeng Zhuan”. Secondly, in Hui-Da”s ”Zhao Lun Shu”, there is one sentence describes Hui-Yuan's viewpoint of DharmatA. Besides, the sentence also mentions the time when Hui-Yuan wrote the book ”Fa Xing Lun”. Thus, the sentence could be from Hui-Yuan's ”Fa Xing Lun”, and it is also an important evidence about when the book is written. Thirdly, I want to point out that the idea of ”Mañjuśilī Prajñapramitā Sutras” is one of Hui-Yuan's background knowledge. If this assumption is true, it will also help us understanding the thought of Hui-Yuan more deeply. At last, in Tian-Tai Zhi-Yi's book, there is a quotation from a book titled ”Fa Xing Lun”, but I could not judge whether it is from Hui-Yuan's book or not.