


Daoist Philosophy of Action: A Comparative Point of View




蕭振聲(Chun-Sing Siu)


道家 ; 行動哲學 ; 因 ; Daoism ; Philosophy of Action ; Yin




26期(2012 / 08 / 01)


41 - 83






This article aims to elucidate Daoist philosophy of action from a comparative point of view. I shall begin by adopting an approach of textual analysis on Laozi, Zhuangzi, as well as several Huang-Lao texts. I shall first point out that Yin 因, as a way of action that can mainly be embodied as three forms, i.e. imitation (fa 法), accommodation (ying 應), and utilization (ren 任), is in the same way authorized by Daoist scholars whose styles and philosophies are quite different to one another. In this regard, we can say that Yin could be defined as the philosophy of action for Daoism. The second part is to be comparative. I shall interpret the Yin-action by using three important concepts borrowed from action theories held by Western philosophers: (1) as a kind of intentional action, Yin can be understood as having two different modes of intentions: prior intention and intention in action; (2) as a kind of plan (or a mental state of having a plan), Yin can be understood as playing two roles: general intention and plans concerning means; (3) as a kind of intentional action, Yin's direction of fit can be regarded as what's called ”mind-to-world” or ”action-to-world.”

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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