In recent decades, scholarly researches on Aristotle's theory of perception focused on a central debate concerning the role which the physiological process plays in perception. On the one hand, R. Sorabji claimed that perceiving, on Aristotle's view, involves a physiological process in which the sense-organ literally takes on the perceptible quality of the object. That is, perception has the "standard alteration" (change of quality) of the sense-organ as its physiological basis. For example, when we see a red apple, the organ of sight (the eye-jelly) should be physically turning into red. In contrast, M. Burnyeat suggested that perception is purely a "spiritual change" (to use Aquinas' term), which has nothing to do with the standard alteration suggested by Sorabji. Moreover, Burnyeat insisted that there is definitely no physiological or material change taking place during perception, because perceiving, as a pure spiritual activity, does not require any underlying material process as its physiological basis. Hence, on Burnyeat's reading, the physiological process has no role to play in perception. This article attempts to find a proper balance between these two radically contrasting interpretations. First, I will show that there is no clear evidence in Aristotle's text to claim that the physiological process involved in perceiving is the organ's literally taking on the perceptible form, as Sorabji suggested. Second, I will prove that Burnyeat's position is not totally persuasive either. For it is not the case that perception has nothing to do with any physiological or material process taking place in the sense-organ. Following the interpreting line recently suggested by several structuralist approaches, I try to argue that although the sense-organ does not bear a standard change of quality during perception, it is nevertheless affected by an "encoded" movement induced by a likewise encoded movement of the medium. In this way, the sense-organ will receive only a coded message, without really exemplifying the perceived quality. However, since the organ's reception of the coded message is still supposed to be a physiological change, it would be very difficult to explain how perceiving can be grounded in such a process; for one of the main theses in Aristotle's theory of perception is that perceiving is an "activity" (energeia), which should not be constructed by any physiological or material change whatsoever underlying it. This dilemma, I think, can be evaded by appealing to a famous proverb in De Anima that "perception is a mean."
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