


On Mou Zongsan's Interpretation of Kant's Moral Philosophy from the Perspective of Two Kinds of Autonomy


賴柯助(Ko-Chu Lai)


判斷 ; 動力 ; 內在自律 ; 外在自律 ; 牟宗三 ; moral judgement ; motivating force ; Internalism-Autonomy ; Externalism-Autonomy ; Mou Zongsan




45期(2022 / 02 / 01)


83 - 117






This paper integrates the two sets of distinction of autonomy(A) and heteronomy(H), internalism(I) and externalism(E) into four different groups (AHIE) in order to expand the comprehension and categorization of a moral theory beyond the limitation of autonomy and heteronomy. Taking moral judgement and motivating force into consideration, it shows the differences between Kant's and Wang Yang-Ming's moral theories, though both are autonomy theories based on Mou Zongsan's interpretation. With different sources of moral judgment and motivating force the former could be categorized into Internalism-Autonomy(IA) or Externalism-Autonomy(EA) according to different interpretations. The latter is classified as IA because both moral judgment and motivating force come from liang-chi (moral heart-mind). However, EA might be contradictory since moral judgment and motivating force coming from different sources may lead to heteronomy. Through investigating Kant's "procedure of motivating force in moral practice" and its related issues, I show that EA is not contradictory. The seemingly contraction could be solved by the division of autonomy into complete and incomplete ones.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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