


Integrating Augmented Reality into Development and Application of Mobile Services in Public Libraries


林麗娟(Lih-Juan Lin);周德嬚(Te-Lien Chou)


擴增實境 ; 智慧型手機 ; 行動服務 ; 無所不在學習 ; Augmented Reality ; Smartphone ; Mobile Service ; Ubiquitous Learning




30卷3期(2013 / 03 / 01)


9 - 29




數位時代來臨,隨著行動科技研發的多元性,行動化服務愈來愈受重視。結合新穎有趣的科技以提供即時的服務與滿足多元的需求是圖書館不斷致力的目標。配合擴增實境(Augment Reality, AR)科技可以輔助使用者認識空間與物件,幫助人們從環境、資訊互動中學習知識與體驗事物,滿足人們求知與視覺感官的閱聽環境,使服務更貼近民眾讀者的需求。本文之重點分別就以下重點加以論述:擴增實境技術之定義、相關研究發展概況、世界各地圖書館透過擴增實境技術所提供之虛實結合資源服務之應用情況、相關應用工具及設計範例。希冀藉以提供國內各類型圖書館規劃行動化服務之參考。


With the diversified development of mobile technology, mobile learning has been an increasing attention. The public libraries have devoted to provide better services by utilizing advanced information technologies. Incorporating augmented reality (AR) into smartphone assists library patrons to get familiar with library facilities and resources. It helps users to retrieve location-based information through interaction with the objects in the physical environment. With mixed reality integration, the public library offers services in a knowledge-rich reading environment that can satisfy both the patrons’ desire of accessing knowledge and their desire of experiencing visual sensations with modernized information services and professional architecture designs. Various issues related to the use of augmented reality are discussed, including: definition and introduction of AR, research and development of AR, and development tools and examples of applications in AR services. It is hoped that this paper could provide references for future implements in library and information service institutions.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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