Due to a dramatic change in modern technology and economy, the society and citizen require to be fully equipped with multiple abilities in order to live successfully. The term of information literacy is generally defined as the set of skills to access, evaluate, organize, and use information from a variety of sources. However, the new perspective of information literacy refers to individuals who are able to archive, organize, evaluate, utilize and communicate information in terms of their attitude, skills and cognition. Information literacy is widely considered to be an essential survival skill for life in the information age. There are strong evidences to show that the information literacy education has been successfully implemented in school and academic environment. Although the public has perceived the public library as a lifelong learning institution, a further review showed a different story that its activities had been limited to library skills and basic computer operating skills. This article, therefore, defined the term of information literacy and described briefly its developmental history. Then, a full articulation of roles of public library in a modern information society was followed. Finally, the article analyzed the information literacy ability of teens. The author also provides some suggestions to the information literacy education of teens with respect to some significant activities.
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