


Public Property of American Society-The Historical Meaning of Carnegie Libraries


林慶弧(Ching-Hu Lin)


卡內基 ; 卡內基圖書館 ; 美國公共圖書館 ; 圖書館事業 ; Carnegie ; Carnegie Libraries ; American Public Libraries ; Librarianship




31卷4期(2014 / 06 / 15)


54 - 83






Andrew Carnegie (1835~1919) donated innumerable public libraries to the U.S.A. during the end of 19th Century and the beginning of 20th Century, and this has influenced deeply to American society and culture. This article is about to discuss why Carnegie was an enthusiast about donating public library buildings and caring and supporting Librarianship from many other kinds of charities, and to analyze his motives and social factors after he had been successful in his own business. The way Carnegie created to donate libraries at that time was a new conceptual change to American Government and the public. Later, Carnegie Foundation was established and incessantly cared and supported Librarianship. It was a big innovation of running libraries and deep influence to develop American public libraries after Carnegie Foundation doing many times of research. Carnegie donating public libraries is an unprecedented and influenced event in library development history. These innumerable Carnegie libraries are the precious public cultural property of American society.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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