


Public Library's Information Services and Internet Marketing


林志鳳(Chihfeng P. Lin)


公共圖書館 ; 資訊服務 ; 服務行銷 ; 網路行銷 ; 行銷策略 ; 資訊傳播 ; 美國數位公共圖書館 ; Public Library ; Information Services ; Service Marketing ; Internet Marketing ; Information Communication ; The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) ; Digital Public Library of America(DPLA)




33卷2期(2015 / 12 / 15)


1 - 15




公共圖書館扮演保存文化,提供資訊,教育民眾,提供休閒等重要角色。圖書館可以主導議題,邀集討論,蒐集資料,整理分類後再發放給資訊需求者。因應社會需求轉變,更以即時(Immediate),直接(Direct),呼應(Response),互動(Interact)及創意(Innovative)為圖書館服務標竿。服務行銷以消費者(Consumer)的需求為主,考慮消費者的時間及空間成本(Cost),以消費者的方便(Convenience)為考慮重點。推廣重點應放在與消費者溝通(Communication)管道建置,實體建設亦在建置系統方便讀者容易在浩瀚資訊海中尋得資訊方向(Course)。圖書資訊服務程序上簡化是多方協調結果(Coordinated),關心讀者需求(Caring),關心社會發展,共同努力為資訊服務盡力。建置與民眾生活有關之專屬資料庫及網站,提供檢索亦教育民眾,社群網站分享服務尤其重要。美國數位公共圖書館(DPLA)將美國圖書館,檔案館,博物館豐富館藏聚集並與世界分享。圖檔博錄網(Gallery, Library, Archives, Museum, and Records, GLAMR Sector)整合式資訊服務的概念及趨勢。傳統上關係不太密切的機構,必須攜手合作共同面對環境變遷有所調適,以保專業生機及永續發展。The Square Kilometre Array(SKA)跨國際,跨領域及科技合作計畫之進行,公共圖書館成功結合民間社會團體共同推動閱讀。圖書館結合宗教團體力量及志工人力資源,協助弱勢學童利用市內圖書館加強學校課業、家庭照顧功能。資訊服務應再定位,相對知識,技術,與專業倫理,在圖書資訊教育內容應有所啟示。整合式資訊服務概念必須落實。簡述資訊設計能力,知識加值能力,網路傳播能力的培養內容。


Public Library (PL) plays vital roles of preserving cultural heritage, information provision, educating the public, and advocating of recreation. The 7Ps service marketing mix has turned into consumer-centered 7Cs, i.e. consumer, cost, convenience, communication, confirmation, coordinated, and caring that encouraging PL's information services should be cost-effective for users, user friendly, be informative and communicative. Further, services should be with courses and caring by librarian, staffs, and volunteers. This paper conveys DIIIR (sounds like Dear) that is direct, innovative, immediate, interactive, and responsive as service indicators for PLs. Internet services allow users to access update information related to their information needs, especially utilizing of social networks for closer communication with the public. The Responsive Web Design (RWD) and technical advanced services allow users to access information via PC, Notebook, and mobile devices and satisfies individual information needs. Libraries tend to become a forum and platform for users and libraries for pulling and pushing information. Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) successfully launched its connections of more than 10 millions cultural items from more than 1,600 institutions, including libraries, museums, and archival/records agencies across US. Gallery, Library, Archives, Museum, and Records, GLAMR Sector, an integrated digital content curation as concept and practices that make information, human beings, and ideas pulling together via cloud technology. The brief introduction of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), a global project conducted by multi-national efforts of various subject experts as a cross boarder information services. The examples of two public libraries of collaboration with local industries and social agencies indicated the unlimited possibilities of services. For better services and sustainable survival of the profession, curriculum for information services was suggested. Reference is included.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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