Movie therapy refers to the therapy that helps individuals suffering from emotional disturbance overcome their adversity through the application of proper movie material. The homeless have the needs of emotional healing as the general public do. This paper identifies the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, as a suitable material for the homeless' emotional healing according to the previous case of American homeless watching this movie and also the researchers' findings focusing on the homeless male in Taipei City. Public libraries serve all people, including the homeless. It is not rare for the homeless to visit public libraries, and some of them enjoy movies as well. Therefore, the researchers suggest that public libraries attempt to establish therapeutic movie resources section and lead the homeless to take advantage of these resources. It can not only develop their habits of using library resources, but also solve the longlasting problem of how to deal with the homeless. In addition, it can simultaneously expand the library service by involving the homeless. Finally, with the humanistic spirit, public libraries can assist the homeless in returning to the society and leading their new lives.
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