


A Study on the Design of an Integrated Fruit Export Organization for Taiwan




陸雲(Alan Yun Lu)


水果 ; 外銷組織 ; 垂直協調 ; Fruits ; Export organization ; Vertical coordination




43期(2009 / 12 / 01)


57 - 80




本文從歸納台灣水果外銷大陸所以無法成功的原因分析起,建議台灣水果外銷應組建整合性組織以爲因應。所謂整合性水果外銷組織,是指將水果的生產、包裝與國際行銷等相關業者均納入同一組織,藉助業者間垂直協調(vertical coordination)的加強達成規模經濟,提昇水果外銷的競爭力。利用組織經濟學相關概念,本文首先分析台灣水果貿易商與果農間的垂直協調問題,接著提出整合性水果外銷組織的分工與執掌設計以及組建方式,最後從代理人理論分析提昇此組織效率的激勵作法。整合性水果外銷組織若能組建成功,相關業者必須有共識,明瞭當前危機之所在以及捐棄成見,捨小利而謀整體的永續大利。


This paper analyzes the necessity of an integrated organization for exporting Taiwanese fruit and proposes how this organization is designed. In this organization, fruit growers, packers, and exporters are vertically integrated in order to achieve scale economy and competitiveness. We first analyze the present problem in exporting Taiwanese fruits to Chinese Mainland, and then analyze the vertical coordination problem between fruit exporters and growers using concepts of organizational economics. Followed are the discussion of how the organization is designed and what the motivation methods for this organization are. In conclusion, we feel consensus among all the concerned parties is important to successfully establish this organization.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
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