


An Empirical Study of Visitors' Willingness to Pay for Interpretive Services of the Natural Experiences Activities




吳忠宏(Homer C. Wu);柳婉郁(Wan-Yu Liu);方怡蓁(Yi-Zhen Fang)


解說服務 ; 解說滿意度 ; 願付價格 ; Tobin模型 ; 條件評估法 ; Interpretive service ; Interpretive satisfaction ; Interpretive payment ; Tobin model ; Contingent valuation method




49期(2012 / 12 / 01)


99 - 129






The Objective of this study is to analyze visitors' willingness to pay for the services provided by the eco-tour interpreters from the Society of Wilderness. The payment card method derived from the contingent valuation approaches was applied to examine factors impacting the visitors' willingness to pay for the services. The study uses the log-likelihood function to conduct an analysis of Tobin model estimates. The results show that willingness to pay is significantly affected by respondents' socioeconomic status, and interpreters' expertise of and attitude toward service provision also affect the amount of payment. The motivations of respondents' participation in the services provided by the interpreters do not affect their willingness to pay. In addition, this study reveals that respondents who are single, and enjoy higher income and more disposable income have higher willingness to pay for the services provided by the eco-tour interpreters. The highly-educated respondents usually do not agree that their payment is corresponding to the service of equal value, and hence, the price that they are willing to pay is lower. That is, each interpreter's service could be remunerated with an average hourly rate of NT$ 1,275.68 when leading a group of 15 visitors. Taking cost distribution into account, this revenue is insufficient for covering the operation of a complete set of the services provided by the interpreters due to they are required to settle other fees for administration and maintenance purposes. Based on the findings, as far as the visitors’ price of willingness to pay are concerned, it is difficult to attain cost recovery of these interpretive services.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
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