


Estimating the Taiwanese Willingness to Pay for Conserving the Formosan Subspecies of Asiatic Black Bear




王世銘(Shih-Ming Wang);陳宗薊(Tsung-Chi Chen);曾偉君(Wei-Chun Tseng)


條件評估法 ; 願付價值 ; 瀕危生物 ; 經濟價值 ; 生態旅遊 ; 非市場財 ; Contingent valuation method ; Willingness to pay ; Endangered species ; Economic value ; Eco-Tourism




58期(2017 / 06 / 01)


103 - 130




台灣黑熊是台灣陸地上最大的動物,其食物鏈最上層的地位是生態健康的重要指標。2016 年「黑熊森林」電影首映,2017 年玉山國家公園的黑熊教育中心開幕,及國家地理頻道重播兩隻幼熊復育,掀起一波黑熊保育的高潮。本文利用封閉式單界二元選擇條件評估法,估計出台灣民眾每人每年對於保育台灣黑熊所願付的金額,其95%信賴區間介於新台幣968 元及1,043 元之間。這樣的高價值顯示我們應更加重視其保育,特別是保護其棲地並防止非法狩獵。


The Formosan subspecies (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) of Asiatic black bear is the largest land animal in Taiwan. In addition, it is Taiwan's largest carnivore, its top position of the food chain is also an important indicator of ecological health. The film "Black Bear Forest", which was about the conservation of Asiatic Black Bear, was released at the cinema in year 2016. The film of the two young Asiatic Black Bears was re-broadcast in the National Geographic Channel in 2017, marking a high tide of conservation. This study uses the contingent valuation method (CVM) and information obtained from questionnaires to evaluate the Taiwanese people's willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of the Asiatic black bear. We create a hypothetical market and use closed-ended single-bounded binary choice method and double-bounded dichotomous choice method to estimate the WTP. We found that the personal per year WTP of Taiwanese people ranges from NT 968 to NT 1,043. These high values are evidence that we should pay much attention to protect this most significant star animal species, especially to preserve its habitats and to prevent illegal hunting activities.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
社會科學 > 經濟學
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