Most of the Asian electricity markets are belong to state control markets. Under the markets, governments control the electricity prices. Taiwan's electricity market is not an exception. So far, there is a state-owned monopoly power company, the Taiwan Power Company. The purpose of the present paper is trying to simulate and assess a hypothetical business strategy of industrial third-degree price discrimination for the power market. The present paper adopts the demand-side management program of the Taiwan Power Company and transfers it into an industrial demand for avoiding power outage risk. By using a CGE model (EnFore-Green), the present paper shows that the industrial third-degree price discrimination strategy can not only gain net profit for the power company, but also pass the macro level benefit-cost test for the society. Approximately, the social net benefit can be around 1.83 to 5.09 billion of NT dollars. Although the cash revenue to the power company is not big, this hypothetical simulation is still interesting enough for both government administrative officers and academic researchers in designing a free power market system in the future.
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