题名 |
年級和家庭社會經濟水準與兒童分類行為之研究 |
并列篇名 |
A Study on the Behavior of Categorization in Primary School Children |
10.6251/BEP.19760601.5 |
作者 |
陳淑美(Shoo-May Chen) |
关键词 | |
期刊名称 |
教育心理學報 |
卷期/出版年月 |
9期(1976 / 06 / 01) |
页次 |
57 - 72 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
本研究的目的以年級和家庭社經水準爲獨立變項,探討國民小學兒童在圖形卡片的情境中所表現的分類行爲的差異。研究對象爲一、三、五年級國民小學學生共一百二十人,取自高、低家庭社經水準各半。分類行爲的評量參照兩種原則:一是分析兒童分類當時所根據的刺激屬性的內涵,一是分析兒童分類所形成的結構。實驗研究的結果顯示,兒童的分類行爲與年級和家庭社經水準之間有交互作用的關係存在:1)就年級而言,以分類當時所根據的刺激屬性來看,兒童使用分析而可知覺的和推論的刺激屬性做分類依據的比例隨年級的增高而遞增;而利用籠統而可知覺的和相關的刺激屬性做分類根據的比例隨年級而遞減。以分類所形成的結構來看,上位分類的結構表現隨年級增高而益趨顯著的現象;而複合分類的結構則隨年級增高而逐漸消减。2)就高低社經水準而言,以分類當時所根據的刺激屬性來看,高社經組兒童比低社經組顯示較高的利用分析而可知覺的和推論的刺激屬性的傾向;而低社經組受試比高社經組表現較高的利用籠統而可知覺的和相關的刺激屬性做分類根據的傾向。以分類所形成的結構來看,高社經水準組顯現較多的上位分類的結構,而低社經水準組顯現較多的複合分類的傾向。 |
英文摘要 |
The main purpose of this study was to examine the child's behavior of categorization in relation with their sccio-economic level and age. One hundred and twenty 1st, 3rd and 5th grade children in primary schools were selected as subjects. The instruments used in this study were thirty-two color pictures. Each child was asked to choose the pictures were alike in some way, and to tell on what basis the pictures were selected. Two methods were used in scoring the child's responses: 1) content analysis-the responses was classified into four different attributes, global-descriptive, analytic-descriptive, relational and inferential, based on which the child grouped the objects; 2) structure analysis-the responses were classified into three grouping structures, superodinate, complexive and thematic. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The children's behavior of categorization was closely related to age and socio-economic level. 2) Inferential and analytic-descriptive attributes used in grouping showed an increasing tendency with age, whereas relational and global-descriptive attributes showed a decreasing tendency. 3) Superordiante grouping structure showed an increasing tendency with age; whereas complexive showed a decreasing tendency. 4) The children from higher socio-economic level reflected more superordinate grouping structure but less complexive than those from lower socio-economic level. 5) The children from higher socio-economic level reflected more inferential and analytic-descriptive attributes as the basis of grouping but less global-descriptive and relational than those from lower socio-economic level. |
主题分类 |
社會科學 >
心理學 社會科學 > 教育學 |