


The Efficacy of Special Class Placement for the Mentally Retarded Students in Junior High Schools in Taipei City




陳榮華(Yung-Hwa Chen)




15期(1982 / 06 / 01)


47 - 66




本研究的目的在探討:(1)國中益智班敎師是否因服務學校不同,或因特殊敎育專業訓練背景、性别、年齡、以及益智班服務年資等條件之不同,而對智能不足兒童敎育工作之態度及學生學習成效之評估有所差異?(2)智能不足學生在國中益智班就讀半年後(實驗組),是否比就讀在普通班級內之智能不足學生(控制組),在數學能力、語文能力,以及社會生活適應能力方面的獲益更多? 研究方法計分成兩部分:「研究一」係採實地調查法,以現任北市國中益智班的一百七十六位敎師爲對象,分別由筆者逐校拜訪,並請每一位敎師填答「北市國中益智班敎學成效評定表」。「研究二」係採用「前後測控制組實驗設計」,由國中「益智班」及國中「普通班」各選出三十名智能不足學生,分別於民國七十年十二月和本(七十一)年五月前後兩次测量其數學能力、語文能力,以及社會適應能力等,以資比較兩組學生之敎育成效。 研究結果顯示:(1)益智班敎師確因服務學校不同而對於智能不足敎育工作之態度,以及學生的學習成效之評估有顯著差異。(2)曾受特殊敎育專業訓練之敎師對於智能不足敎育工作的態度,以及學生學習成效的評估,都略比未受特敎專業訓練之敎師爲佳。(3)敎師的性别、年齡及服務年資等變項,對智能不足敎育工作的態度及學生學習成效之評估,無顯著影響。(4)兩組智能不足學生,經過半年之追踪研究,在學業成績及社會適應能力方面之差異,各具優劣,有待繼續做二年至三年之長期追踪研究。


The purposes of this study were three-hold: (1) to compare and analyze the views of special class placement by special class teachers of 21 junior high schools in Taipei city, (2) to investigate the effects among the variables of sex, age, teaching experience, and professional training background of special class teachers in rating the achievement of MR students, (3) to compare the academic achievement and social adaptive behavior of two groups of MR students in special classes and in regular classes. The study consisted of two parts, a survey study was carried out in Study 1, in which the academic achievement and personal adjustment of MR students were measured by 176 special class teachers using rating scales. A pretest-posttest control group design was used in Study 2 to compare the efficacy of special class placement. The experimental group consisted of 30 students who had been placed in MR class for the first time during the 1981-82 school year. The 30 control students were eligible for MR placement, but were retained in regular classes during the entire school year. The sample was selected from 3 schools with MR classes and 3 schools without such classes. The result of this study revealed: (1) there were significant differences found among the special class teachers regarding attitude toward special class placement, (2) among the teacher's groups in terms of age, sex, and teaching experience, no significant differences were found on the rating of the efficacy of special class programs, (3) over the six-month period, the special class MR students had significantly greater gains in arithmetic, but on no reading or social adaptive behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學