


The Relation among Adolescents' Perception of Their Relationships with Significant Others and Self-esteem & The Content Analysis of the Interviews




吳怡欣(Yi-Hsing Wu);張景媛(Ching-Yuan Chang)


青少年 ; 自尊 ; 與重要他人的情感關係 ; adolescent ; self-esteem ; the relationship with significant others




32卷1期(2000 / 08 / 01)


15 - 39






The purposes of this study were: (1) to explore the relation among adolescents' perception of their relationships with significant others and self-esteem; (2) to compare the differences of self-esteem and the relationships with significant others between high and low self-esteem adolescents separately. The participants were 781 second-grade junior high school students in Taipei City. Instruments used in this study were Adolescents' Self-esteem Scale and Adolescents' Perceived Relationships with Significant Others Inventory. The researcher used canonical correlation analysis to analyze the data obtained. Furthermore, the researcher interviewed four students who got low grades in Self-esteem Scale and four students who got high grades in that scale, and then analyzed the contents obtained from the transcripts of the interviews. The main findings were: (1) There were canonical correlation between adolescents' perceived relationships with significant others and their self-esteem. (2) High self-esteem adolescents better relationship with their mother, father, teacher, and classmates and healthier self-image than low self-esteem adolescents did.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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