


An Analysis of Human-Figure-Drawings by Sexually Abused Children




陳孟吟(Meng-Yin Chen);林家興(Josh Chia Hsin Lin)


畫人測驗 ; 性虐待 ; 情緒困擾 ; emotionally disturbed ; human figure drawings ; sexually abused




32卷2期(2001 / 04 / 01)


1 - 18




本研究的主旨在於瞭解受性虐待與未受性虐待兒童,在Sidun與Chase (1985)所發展的畫人測驗檢核指標上之差異情形,並進一步探尋具有區辨力之圖畫指標。本研究採對照團體之實驗設計,共105位受試者,由三位評畫者評分之後,共得315份之評分資料,分別以卡方考驗、t考驗、區別分析等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果發現如下: 1.性虐待兒童比未受性虐待但有情緒困擾之兒童,出現較多比例的指標,共計有8項圖畫指標:「缺漏手指」、「異常粗重的線條」、「多個人物像」、「大或特殊的耳朵」、「強調鼻子」、「缺漏嘴巴」、「缺漏手部」、「出現肚臍」。 2.性虐待兒童比未受性虐待且適應良好之兒童,出現較多比例的指標,共計有12項圖畫指標:「人物像的位置/左上」、「多個人物像」、「缺漏頸部」、「缺漏手部」、「缺漏手指」、「軀幹底部未封閉」、「堅定的線條」、「幾何圖狀的人物像」、「大或特殊的耳朵」、「缺漏嘴巴」、「出現肚臍」、「缺漏衣服」。 3.以Sidun-Chase畫人測驗檢核指標區辨受性虐與未受性虐兩組,正確區分率為96.19%。再以逐步刪減法篩選出其中較具有區辨力之10個指標為「人物像的大小」、「缺漏手指」、「圓形物數目」、「人物像的性別特徵」、「出現肚臍」、「強調鼻子」、「擦拭的數目」、「只有頭部」、「缺漏嘴巴」、「擦拭骨盤區域」,其正確區辨率為79.05%,其中又以「缺漏手指」、「強調鼻子」、「出現肚臍」三項指標最具區辨力。 本研究根據研究結果作進一步的探討,並提出建議,以供從事有關心理諮商領域實務工作者及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference between sexually abused and non-sexually abused children on Human-Figure-Drawings graphic indicators which was developed by Dr. Sidun and Dr. Chase in 1985. The results are as followings: 1. The sexually abused children tend to draw more of following graphic indicators than non-sexually abused but emotionally disturbed group: figures omitted, line pressure/unusually heavy, multiple figures, large or unusual ears, nose emphasized, mouth omitted, hands omitted, and presence of navel. 2. The sexually abused children tend to draw more of following graphic indicators than non-sexually abused and well-adjusted group: placement of figure/upper left quadrant, multiple figures, neck omitted, hands omitted, figures omitted, bottom of torso not closed, geometric figure, large or unusual ears, mouth omitted, presence of navel, and clothing omitted. 3. Sidun-Chase scoring categories were able to correctly differentiate the sexually abused children from non-sexually abused children. After the process of list-wise deletion of discriminant analysis, the top three and top ten most powerful predictors are identified. Based upon the above results, relevant assessment and counseling implications were discussed and suggestions for future research and practice were presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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