


Study of Children's Verbal Interaction and Analogical Reasoning in Solving Mathematics Problems and Science Problems




黃幸美(Hsin-Mei E. Huang)


問答討論 ; 類比推理 ; 問題解決 ; verbal interaction ; analogical reasoning ; problem solving




32卷2期(2001 / 04 / 01)


121 - 141




This study investigated selected sixty fifth grade students of a public elementary school how the verbal interaction in cooperative small groups affect their analogical reasoning for solving mathematics and nature science isomorphic problems. Children who had been engaged in the cooperative instruction condition performed significantly better than those in the conventional instruction condition on solving mathematics problems rather than solving nature science problems. Children who participated in the cooperative instruction condition exhibited more comprehension questions and answers, and low level explanation than those who in conventional instruction condition did. No significant differences between conditions, in critical and connection questions and answers. It' important for instructors to encourage children to use vocabulary and elaboration explanations with peers in small groups as well as to activate their learned knowledge in analogical problem solving.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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