


A Study on Effective Factors and Working Alliance of Short-Term Counseling




張娟鳳(Chuan-Feng Chang)


人際困難 ; 短期諮商 ; 效能因素 ; 工作同盟 ; 人際過程回憶法 ; Working Alliance ; Effective Factors ; Short-term Counseling ; Interpersonal Process Recall




32卷2期(2001 / 04 / 01)


71 - 102






This study focused on investigating the interpersonal conflict issue among college students in the context of Chinese culture, and examining the outcome and how these clients go through the therapeutic process in short-term counseling. It was designed to adopt an exploratory approach to study the counseling process. Over the 20 months study, 9 college students with significant difficulties in interpersonal conflict completed 12 sessions of dynamic-oriented short-term counseling. Audio-tapes were used to record data of both the counselor's and clients' verbal contents, Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) was administered every three sessions, and the selected interpersonal episodes from the counseling transcripts were evaluated by follow-up in-depth interview conducted by independent raters. Content analyses were also performed to assess effective factors as well as working alliance. The test scores on the counseling effect and the alliance were compared between the intake interviews and the post-therapy interviews. The major findings were as the following: (1) In general, the outcome at the end of counseling was quite satisfactory, with the majority marked improvement. (2) Among the various effective factors, 'guidance' was remarkable in that it may reflect the supportive and educational-oriented connotation in the counseling relationship. (3) The general analysis of working alliance showed that the working dimension was more difficult to develop compared to the affective dimension. (4) The working alliance patterns between the counselor and clients were characterized by individual difference. (5) The counselor's style was problem-solving oriented, which could be identified through IPR assessment, the validity of which could thus be appreciated. In conclusion, the preliminary findings were rather distinct and interesting from the cross-cultural perspective.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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