


The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Learning Outcome: A Meta-Analysis Approach




黃寶園(Bao-Yuan Hwang);林世華(Sieh-Hwa Lin)


合作學習 ; 情意態度 ; 統合分析 ; 學習成就 ; cooperative learning ; affection attitude ; meta-analysis ; learning achievement




34卷1期(2002 / 10 / 01)


21 - 41






This study uses meta-analysis to examine the effect size of twenty-two Cooperative Learning related research studies in Taiwan on student's Learning Achievement, Affection Attitude, and Learning Outcome. The authors used computer program Meta-HC for analyzing data. The analyses revealed that Cooperative Learning had a positive affect on student's Learning Achievement, Affection Attitude, Learning Outcome. However the effects size were low and moderate. Learning Achievement: d=0.3256, Affection Attitude: d=0.2573, Learning Outcome: d=0.2870. In sum, Cooperative Learning has a positive effect on student's Learning Achievement, Affection Attitude, and Learning Outcome. However, the effects are small. Thus, if a teacher wants to use Cooperative Learning as the main learning method in the classroom, he/she ought to consider the conditions and effects that might be caused by the methodological issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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