


The Influence of Cooperative-Reflective Professional Growth Model on Teachers' Teaching Knowledge, Beliefs and Teaching-Related Community Relationships: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Taipei




何緼琪(Yun-Chi Ho);張景媛(Ching-Yuan Chang)


合作省思專業成長模式 ; 社群關係 ; 國小教師 ; 教學知識與信念 ; cooperative-reflective professional growth model ; community relationship ; elementary school teacher ; teaching knowledge and beliefs




34卷2期(2003 / 04 / 01)


157 - 178






Based on the theories of social construction, action research and ref1ccti c teaching the authors developed a cooperative-reflective professional growth (CRPG) model in order to promote the professional growth among four second-grade female teachers of an elementary school in Taipei. The CRPG model is composed of the circular stages. planning, action, revision, evaluation and reflection. Within each stage various types of activities had been designed. Reading curriculum design papers, writing reflective journal, peer coaching, discussions with experts, and collecting teaching portfolio are among the most essential. Based on the above materials collected from the weekly meetings with the participating teachers during to consecutive semesters in 1999, this paper explored ho the CRPG model affects the growth of teachers in terms of their teaching kno1cdge and beliefs, and teaching-related community relationships. It has been found that: (1) participating teachers become more flexible in classroom management and tend to reshape their instruction methods according to their teaching experiences. (2) student's daily living experiences become the priority concern n the integrated curriculum, and the formative and authentic assessment of teaching are more emphasized, (3) the participants acknowledged that the students are active constructors of knowledge such that the teachers tend to combine their teaching concepts with materials other than textbooks to improve the students learning effects, (4) the teachers realized the objective of integrated teaching so as to encourage and assist students to develop higher level thinking, and (5) the new content enhanced b the networking method plus multiple materials have significantly promoted student's learning effects. As to the teaching-related community relationships. the participants had successfully developed a friendly and effective teaching network and received help from the students' parents and other sources

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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