


The Experiences of Never-Married Single Women: Rethinking the Meaning of Marriage




趙淑珠(Shu-Chu Chao)


單身未婚女性 ; 生活經驗 ; 婚姻態度 ; 婚姻意義 ; family support ; life experiences ; meaning of marriage ; never-married women




34卷2期(2003 / 04 / 01)


221 - 246






The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of never-married women. Nineteen participants were interviewed. The results revealed a positive attitude toward and evaluation of these women's single life option. Almost all the participant enjoyed the freedom of being single. Most of the source of stress vas coming from parents. At the same time, fami1 was also the major support system. Most participants agreed that there were negative stereotypes against never-married people; the did not feel any of that type of discrimination in their personal lies. Regarding their attitudes toward marriage the results indicated a conflicting picture On one hand, the participants agreed that women have to sacrifice themselves (including time space, interests, and personal goals) in marriage. On the other hand they also expected to be married in the future. The results also challenge the traditional developmental psychology theories, and the traditional meaning of marriage for women. More research and discussion is needed to explore the meaning of marriage for men and women in the current society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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