


Responses and Emotions of Adolescents to Inter-Parental Conflicts




方紫薇(Tzu-Wei Fang)


介入 ; 父母衝突 ; 青少年 ; 情緒 ; adolescents ; inter-parental conflicts ; emotion ; intervention




35卷1期(2003 / 09 / 01)


79 - 97






The purpose of this study was to investigate the adolescents' feelings toward inter-parental conflicts, and the ways that the adolescents tried to intervene when facing inter-parental conflicts. A questionnaire was administered to 1874 junior-high school students. The results show: 1. The majority responses to inter-parental conflicts were attempts to avoid intensifying the conflicts. Most conflicts resolutions were attempted to after the events. These consisted of one side presenting apology indirectly showing good will, or following the will of the other. 2. Most adolescents, especially of females, felt helpless, sad, disgusted, and scared when they faced with inter-parental conflicts. Partially resolved and unresolved inter-parental conflicts would elicit more sadness, anger, and disgust and more intervention from adolescents. 3. Most adolescents did not intervene in inter-parental conflicts. However, if they did, either indirectly during the events or afterward, most of were concerned about the deterioration of inter-parental relationship. Based on results, recommendations are presented for future research and education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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