
Results of Student Ratings: Does Faculty Attitude Matter?






張德勝(Te-Sheng Chang)


學生評鑑教師教學 ; 大學教師評鑑 ; 態度 ; student ratings of instruction ; faculty evaluation ; attitude




35卷2期(2003 / 12 / 01)


183 - 200




本研究主要的目的在探討教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」態度及其在評鑑得分之相關,並分析正面態度的教師與負面態度的教師,其評鑑結果的分數的差異情形。研究對象爲八十七學年第二學期度國立花蓮師範學院七十位教師。研究工具有兩種,第一種是教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」態度的調查問卷(the Attitude towards Student Ratings of Instruction Questionnaire, ASRI),主要是了解教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」的看法;另一種工具是「國立花蓮師範學院教學意見反映調查表」(the Student Ratings of Instruction form, SRI),主要是了解學生對教師教學的滿意度。這項工具共包含四個層面,分別是「準備與計畫」、「教材與內容」、「教法與技巧」、「作業與評鑑」。 研究結果顯示如下:(一)對「學生評鑑教師教學」持正面態度的教師,在「準備與計畫」、「教材與內容」、「評鑑與作業」與整體得分的評鑑分數顯著的高於對負面態度的教師;(二)同意將評鑑結果公佈在學校期刊的教師,在「教法與技巧」與整體性方面顯著高於不同意的教師;(三)教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」整體的同意度與其被學生評鑑結果之分數有顯著的相關。


The purpose of this study was to compare the student ratings of faculty with positive attitude and negative attitude towards student ratings. The correlation between faculty attitude towards student ratings and their ratings scores was investigated. The sample consisted of 70 faculty members at National Hualien Teachers College in Taiwan, during the 1999 spring semester. Two instruments, the Attitude towards Student Ratings of Instruction Questionnaire (ASRI) and the Student Ratings of Instruction form (SRI), were administered. The ASRI was used to measure faculty attitude towards student ratings, The SRI was used measure students' perceptions of these teachers' appeal and their teaching effectiveness. Results indicate that (1) The overall-agreement group was rated statistically higher than was the overall-disagreement group on Preparation/Planning, Material/Content, Assignment/Examination, and the total rating scores; (2) Faculty members with positive attitude towards the publication of student ratings were rated higher than those with negative attitude regarding to Method/Skill, and the total rating scores; (3) The correlation between faculty attitude towards overall agreement on student ratings and their ratings scores was statistically significant.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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