


The Effects of Career Intervention Strategies for Improving Cognitive Complexity and Career Self-Efficacy of Junior-High Students




金樹人(Shuh-Ren Jin);許宏彬(Hung-Bin Sheu)


國中學生 ; 生涯建構系統 ; 認知訊息處理模式 ; 生涯諮商 ; 生涯自我效能 ; junior high school students ; career construct system ; cognitive information processing model ; career counseling ; career self-efficacy




35卷2期(2003 / 12 / 01)


99 - 119






This was a third-year project in a three-year research program to develop effective career intervention strategies using cognitive approach for junior high school students. This research was designed to: (a) develop a repertory grid technique for assessing the career construct system of junior high school students (first year); (b) investigate the relationship between the career construct system and career maturity (second year); and (c) develop career counseling strategies for under developed students in terms of cognitive complexity (low career integration and career differentiation) based on the cognitive information processing approach (third year). The present study tested the assumptions that career intervention based on cognitive information processing would affect career complexity and career self-efficacy. Thirty-six participants, who were pretested for levels of cognitive differentiation, integration, conflict and career self-efficacy, participated in either the experimental group or the control group. Participants in experimental group completed four counselor-administered one-to-one career interventions including (a) meaning-enhancement for Repertory grid, (b) Card sort, (c) Computer-assisted vocation information system, and (d) balance sheet. Post-test and 3-week follow-up assessments indicated that, participants did not significantly change their levels of cognitive differentiation, integration and conflict over time across groups. However, male participants increased their levels of differentiation significantly more than female participants in the experimental group. In addition, participants in the experimental group increased in levels of career self-efficacy over three weeks follow-up. These effects were not qualified by significant interactions by sex, which suggested no differential impact of sex on career self-efficacy. Results are discussed in relation to the literature on cognitive complexity, cognitive development, career self-efficacy and cognitive information processing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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